More Webkinz Room Designs!


Michael, Sally and Mandy review some more Webkinz room designs that were sent to the Webkinz staff by players like you! The room designers featured in this video have the chance to become finalists for our next Webkinz Room Design Awards!



Miss our last Webkinz Room Designs video? CLICK HERE to watch it now!


Did you miss our last Webkinz Room Design Awards? Find out who the winners were HERE.


Want to send us screenshots of some of your favorite rooms? E-mail them to Michael at Who knows, you might see them in a post right here on Webkinz Newz!


62 Responses to More Webkinz Room Designs!

  1. 1Emerald1 says:

    Congratulations to everyone featured here. Wonderful rooms!

  2. MidnightLuna says:

    Hey Michel, I’ve sent in lots of room designs over the last 6 months, I used the camera button to take the picture and have sent them in, is there something wrong with them?

    • MEG_WEBKINZ says:

      MidnightLuna, it doesn’t sound like anything is wrong with your rooms at all, unless maybe it is the way it was saved to your computer. Unfortunately, Michael gets so many rooms that he can’t feature them all, or it just takes a few months for them to be featured. My Cinderella’s Ride To The Ball room that was in this video actually was sent in October or November, not positive exactly which one. Nonetheless, keep sending your rooms, and I hope you’ll be featured sometime! Can’t wait to see your rooms! =D

    • 50ishwebbies says:

      Hi MidnightLuna ~ happy new year! I am certain your rooms are super creative and nicely designed with nothing wrong with them. I would guesstimate that Michael received rooms in the thousands in 2016; I only guess that because I sent in 70 myself. Of those 70, two were featured and although one of my rooms was given another member’s’ ID ~ it was still an honor to see it up there. Don’t ever give up hope that you will be featured; because you will be! It may take weeks, months or years, but your room(s) will make it to these videos <3 Keep designing rooms; for me, it is a gift I love sharing! The very best to you!

  3. leeann15 says:

    The rooms are just amazing. Such creativity of our fabulous members. Loving the lemonade stand, it is so bright and cheery with our blah winter weather. Sending out congratulations to everyone, you all did an outstanding job with your Kinz rooms. Have a great day.

  4. MEG_WEBKINZ says:

    Wow, thank you so much for featuring my Cinderella’s Ride to the Ball room!! I worked really hard on that room and I’m so happy to see it paid off!! Congratulations to everyone who was featured as well, everyone did an amazing job! =)

  5. huggablehoneys4ever says:

    I love the color scheme in the lemonade room, it’s so pretty

  6. huggablehoneys4ever says:

    trexjt2013- Love your Biltmore Estate! I was excited when I saw it because last spring I went to North Carolina to visit a university and on the way back we stopped to see Biltmore Estate. We didn’t go inside but it was so pretty and I took a ton of pictures! If anyone knows me on webkinz social media, the profile picture I always use of Pinky with yellow flowers and mountains in the background was taken at Biltmore Estate. I really hope to go back someday because it was awesome!

    • trexjt2013 says:

      huggablehoneys4ever, Thanks for your like of the Biltmore Room, the real place is so much more Grand. The outside of the Biltmore is Spectacular and looks like a Fairy Tale Castle, but the inside is where all the Mystery and Intrigue is. There is so much history to this house and many Foreign Officials as well as American Diplomats have had the privilege of staying there over the years. The Botanical Gardens are Fascinating and a sight to behold throughout the Spring and Summer and the Green Houses are home to many varieties of plants found only there in the Northern Hemisphere. George Washington Vanderbilt II brought many of the plants back from his travels to foreign lands and some were given as gifts to him by his guest. Anyway, rambling again, if your interested in the Estate I’m sure you can pull it up on Wikipedia. Happy Building-trexjt2013

  7. MidnightFireflies17 says:

    These rooms are all so creative I love them all :) Great job everyone!!!!!! I have never sent in a room before so I have a few questions… When you send them, do you just use the screen shot button and download the screenshot to the email above? Or just paste the screen shot image in the text part of the email. Another thing is there a way to remove the dock and challenges so it’s just the room in the picture, or do they just crop them out? Also does everyone they show in the videos on webkinznewz have the opportunity to be apart of the room design awards? Like if we still send them in and they like them do we have a chance to be apart of it? Sorry for all the questions I haven’t been on in awhile. Thanks so much :) Also thanks for reviewing them I’m sure you guys get tons of submissions :-)

    • Michael Webkinz says:

      Hi MidnightFireflies17. The best way to send in a screenshot is to use the camera button that appears in your pet’s room. Click on the button and save the image to your computer (all buttons/links/icons are removed when you use the camera button). Then, attach the image to an email and send it to Anyone who is featured in a room design video has a chance to become a finalist for our next room design awards. Good luck!

  8. Starkinz says:

    Congrats on being featured guys! Your rooms are awesome :) I love the gorilla on the thumbnail, (she was in the Tiger, Tiger music video wasn’t she?) does anyone know if she was ever available as a virtual or plush pet?

  9. Maddie4 says:

    I am always so impressed by the rooms you receive. The 4 seasons is an amazing idea. I never thought of doing a room like this. I wish you would make a snow tile like the grass ones. LaLa’s Lemonade Stand was so fresh and cute! Really makes you hope for summer.

  10. duckgirl1118 says:

    Great job everyone who was featured! I’m a little disappointed that mine wasn’t featured, but i don’t mind that much. Congrats!

    • trexjt2013 says:

      duckgirl118, Don’t get discouraged or stop sending your rooms in. I believe we will get a chance to see your creativity some time in the near future!!!! Much Love-trexjt2013

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