Fan Mail with Fiona


Hello, readers! I’m Fiona Feathers, your dedicated KinzPost Courier, and I’ve got some more answers for your Webkinz questions! For my previous answers, click HERE.


Hey, Fiona, I have a question. Whenever I go to Quizzy’s, my pet says something about how we’re on the overall high score list, but there’s no longer the trophy to click on to see the overall high scores. How can I access this list? I really want to see where I am on it!


– Dueby101


A fine question! If you’re talking about Quizzy’s Question Corner, there’s a “Your Scores and Status” book you can click on next to Quizzy, but no overall high score list. If you’re talking about Quizzy’s Word Challenge in the Arcade, you can check out an overall, daily and monthly high score list by visiting the “Scores & Achievements” section of the Newspaper. Hope that helps!


Hi Fiona! Why can’t I friend you in Webkinz World?




DeeDee in Florida


You’re so kind, DeeDee! I would love to be your friend in Webkinz World, but currently I’m not yet one of the Hosts you can add. Of course, you can consider me your friend always, but I’ll be sure to let you know when I’m on the official list. Psst — here’s a special hint: once you visit Ms. Birdy in the Santakinz Room in the Clubhouse between Dec. 14-25, you’ll finally be able to add her to your Friend List! Hooray!


Hi Fiona! I was wondering could there ever a a vice mayor? Or a Kinzville board? Then it would give the Kinz with great ideas a chance to still put them in action!


– animelover7644


You know, that’d be a great question for our new Mayor, Cowabelle! She’s a fan of great ideas that can come from anywhere, so perhaps a vice mayor or a Kinzville Board would be helpful. We’ll have to wait and see what she does during her term. In the meantime, feel free to keep suggesting ideas to Cowabelle on Webkinz Newz, the Forums or social media!



Want to write to Webkinz? Send your letters to:



60 Industrial Parkway
Cheektowaga, NY



50 Responses to Fan Mail with Fiona

  1. strawberrylynx says:

    Good questions. I sent ganz my letter and they did answer it, I found out that you can’t change your timezone on your account. I will be stuck 5 hours ahead forever. :(

    • JaneOfAllTrades says:

      5 HOURS AHEAD?!?! Wow! My clock is an hour ahead on webkinz and I thought that was strange! But 5 HOURS??? We should be able to change our clocks. But then again, then people would be able to time travel whenever they want and do all the activities for the day in an hour and complete all the challenges faster soooo…..yeah.

  2. jillbears says:

    hello fiona, I have a question when i log in to webkinz world really fast i can see my webkinz say something and once gary my googles said i spoiled him

  3. TigerKinzKG says:

    thank you fiona

  4. TennesseeFrogs2 says:

    I think a Kinzville Board is completely necessary, especially considering Cowabelle’s young age.

  5. earnestandjerry says:

    Nice sneak peek, to Miss Birdy ect, but since I haven’t exactly been waiting on the edge of my seat for the day when I can friend Miss Birdy, I’m not exactly thrilled. ~SPeedy

  6. mypmyp says:

    So Quizzy’s Question Corner has no overall high score list? Why am I told I’m on there all the time if there isn’t one?

    • Fracktail says:

      I think there used to be one, because I remember checking it every once in a while. I don’t know what happened to it, though. (Maybe it was never there to begin with and I’m just crazy. That’s always a possibility with me. :P)

  7. oats34WK says:

    That’s going to be awesome to add ms birdy to our friends list.

  8. shuggylay says:

    YES! Finally I will get to friend Ms. Birdy! Wahoo!

  9. pmhk says:

    Wow those are good questions!!! I like the letter from animelover7644. I totes agree with you. :)

  10. my9tail says:

    Umm any one else seen sassycats videos

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