Fan Mail with Fiona #51

It’s me, Fiona, back for another round of fan mail! As always, for my past answers, click here! If you miss me, you can always head to KinzPost and send a letter or a package, and I’ll deliver it for you!




Happy Holidays, Fiona! I’ve just been thinking–with the changes to the Mobile App and having it more like the website, do you think one day we’ll be able to use our Free Spin coupons on the mobile Wheel of WOW? Sometimes the prizes are really awesome, and I’d love to be able to use one of my coupons. -ImaPepper


And a wonderfully Happy Holidays to you, ImaPepper! That’s a great question, but I don’t think you’re going to like the answer. Those coupons probably won’t work on the Wheel of WOW on mobile because they’re two separate wheels. You’d need separate coupons! But that doesn’t mean there won’t eventually be coupons for the mobile Wheel of WOW. That’d be something, wouldn’t it?




Unable to send packages or letters to anyone when in Webkinz. Click on mailbox then package or mail and the contacts do not show - mnswp2


So sorry to hear you’re having trouble, mnswp2. Please check to see if you’ve got your own username as a friend on KinzChat — if you do, that causes all kinds of trouble with the address book! Just remove yourself as a friend, and it should be right as rain.




Another question how do you get drawings featured on the fan art show case? – foxmillionair


I love delivering fan art! There are a few ways you might catch the eyes of our team. You could upload some pictures to our Fan Art gallery on the Share Center — that’s checked regularly. Sometimes they find art on Kinztagram or even Facebook.








Want to write to Webkinz?
Send your letters to:
Ganz #04360 Industrial Parkway
Cheektowaga, NY



Have more questions? Ask them below and you might be featured in the next edition of Fan Mail with Fiona!




85 Responses to Fan Mail with Fiona #51

  1. Inkblot says:

    Hi Fiona, I have three Zumbuddies, and I love them. I got the first one almost as soon as it came out. I don’t visit them very often though because it takes a half an hour to get them to party, and about a thousand kinzcash buying toys and food for them (I make sure to have every kind of toy and food in my doc for them, because they don’t always have the patience for me to go to the store and find it). I have bought a little furniture for them – three beds, a ouch, a stool, a dresser, a lamp and some stuff for the walls. I keep all three of them in the same room and still I hardly get any zummies. I’d say I get about ten from playing with them, and ten more when they party. This does not seem worth the time, really, but there are such great prizes and they are expensive and I still don’t have any of them… I’m worried that you will retire Zumwhere like you did ‘Mazin Hamsters (which I miss, but I did get most of the prizes before it stopped working). I still have no prizes from Zumwhere… I have two Bratty zums and one Trickey Zum… perhaps I should get a Sweet zum?? Do they give out more Zummies???

  2. haiku48 says:

    Dearest Fiona, Why does Persephone in the KinzStyle shop have 2 left feet? I hope she is okay.

  3. MyLittlePony2010EG13 says:

    Hi Fiona! I was wondering, when will the MyPage come back to Webkinz World? I really miss making my own stories that you could do and show your collection of your items. I really miss the MyPage. Do you think it will ever return? MyLittlePony2010EG13

    • resolution22 says:

      Good question MLP! I was about to ask the same thing. I hope they answer your question on the next fan mail with Fiona!

      • MyLittlePony2010EG13 says:

        Yeah, I miss the MyPage too! I really miss the MyPage. It started to dissspear just when they returned the Pet Actions. I think I said this 3 or 4 times in the Fan Mail With Fiona. I hope Ganz doesn’t mind.

        • resolution22 says:

          I would be so excited if MyPage came back! I was so disappointed when I first saw they got rid of it. I visited it every day and it was my 2nd favorite place in webkinz world (my all time favorite place being the trading room :D). I wish webkinz would give us information on when MyPage will be back.

          • MyLittlePony2010EG13 says:

            Sorry that this is a late response! Yeah, it was my 2nd favorite place as well! I love going to the TR for the 1st place. **Sigh** It just makes Webkinz a little bit less fun. I remember commenting on your page. “I updated my page! Check it out!” Well, it probably didn’t exactly say that, but something like that. Last thing I remember was me adopting Ocean .B., Hey .O., and T .L. .B.. I changed my pets whenever I adopted a new one and then change it back to my original pet. But a white block popped up, and my page looked horrible. I tried everything to get rid of it and nothing happened. So I just made my layout from a choice that Webkinz put there. **Sigh** Oh well, I guess we’ll just have to wait until Webkinz puts it back in Webkinz World. I wish I got my phone and took a bunch of pictures of my page. And I also miss when you could change the color of your dock and repeat your Pet Actions over and over. I really miss the old Webkinz from 2014 and back! Luckily, Webkinz will make some changes and put it back to normal. I can’t wait to see you in Webkinz World again, resolution!

          • MyLittlePony2010EG13 says:

            Not T .L. .B. The .L. .B.. sorry for my mistaken typo!

  4. JE1847 says:

    Hi Fiona! I’m just writing because I had an idea for the Wheel of Wow. Sometimes there’s a prize I really would love to get, but luck isn’t always with me, and then the prizes change before I get the one I would love to have. Here’s my idea: what if, after filling up the prize bar at the top of the game, players then get to pick their prize from the current Wheel of Wow prizes? That would be awesome. Anyway, just an idea! Thanks!

  5. MyLittlePony2010EG13 says:

    Wow! Those are some great questions! Congrats for being featured everyone!

  6. Rockinwebkinzworld says:

    O.K. Fiona, Here goes nothing. I have seen many comments about Zumwhere on here with no response so I doubt this will be any different, but I will ask anyway. Will we ever see a change in how difficult it is to get the prizes in the Fieldguide Catalog? I have been a Member for going on 4 years now and have 22 Zums. I would say that it a lot more than the average Member. I have been savings Zummies all that time and still have not cashed in for one prize. I want the Rainbow Slide and it is extremely expensive. (Worse than the current Wish Factory Token Prizes) There are many other prizes in this catalog I would love to have as well but see no Hope in getting. One can only play the Zum Sighting once a day and very little Zummies are awarded. Please help me understand why this is such a difficult process, or if there is some way I can get more Catalog Zummies. Thanks in advance, I sincerly look forward to hearing from you. -Rockinwebkinzworld

    • nikki1753 says:

      Hey Rockinwebkinzworld, you also get zummies for taking care of your zums and since you have so many it probably won’t take too long to save up enough for the rainbow slide! All you have to do is play with the zums until they nap (which is the cutest thing in the world ^-^).

      • Rockinwebkinzworld says:

        nikki1753, Thanks for your concern. I do that most of the days and have gotten every Zum prize in that pool of prizes. The unfortunate thing is the Zummies you collect from that prize pool cannot be transferred to the Zum Catalog prize pool in the Fieldguide. If it did things would be wonderful, because I would then have many of those prizes as well. One simple solution would be to allow Zummies to be spent in both places or another is to rotate the prizes around. Either way, there is a solution, but no update has been made to Zumwhere in many years.

      • Racoon6000 says:

        Taking care of Zums is a different game and awards different Zummies, and those prizes are even more difficult to earn. The only one that is reasonable is the rainbow ship. All the others are impossible to get unless you have a ton of Zums. I just have one, and I agree that the prizes for both games take a very long time to earn. I do have the rainbow slide though. It took me slightly less than a year to get.

      • MyLittlePony2010EG13 says:

        That is a good question! I was wondering about that too! If you want to earn more Zummies (Like nikki1753 said) you will have to wait until your zum asks for something. Sometimes you can just put stuff in front of you Zums and they’ll eat or play with it. And they usually have this thing when your Zum is about to party. I think Zums are very adorable when they’re happy too! Sometimes they are really annoying. Good luck!

    • Inkblot says:

      Zummies can be hard to save up. I have the rainbow slide and a few other prizes from searching for zums. It is whole different thing I think from zumbuddies, and the feature code to unlock the searching for zums is from a kinz clip. I believe I have two of those, and I need only two more zums to complete my collection. Also, I recall that once you get up to 1oo zummies of a certain color, you can no longer collect any more of that color until you spend some. So if you have 1oo blue, say, but not enough yellow to get the slide, you may want to buy something like the field hat that uses more blue zummies than yellow. This would make it so extra green zummies did not get wasted if you got over 100. However, if you just want the slide, I would not suggest doing this because it will slow down the process overall. My problem is more with earning the zummies from the zumbuddies….

      • MyLittlePony2010EG13 says:

        Like Inkbolt said, Zummies can be hard to save up. I have the rainbow slide and a few other prizes from searching for zums. It is whole different thing I think from zumbuddies, and the feature code to unlock the searching for zums is from a kinz clip. I believe I have two of those, and I need only two more zums to complete my collection. Also, I recall that once you get up to 1oo zummies of a certain color, you can no longer collect any more of that color until you spend some. So if you have 1oo blue, say, but not enough yellow to get the slide, you may want to buy something like the field hat that uses more blue zummies than yellow. This would make it so extra green zummies did not get wasted if you got over 100. However, if you just want the slide, I would not suggest doing this because it will slow down the process overall. My problem is more with earning the zummies from the zumbuddies….

  7. NarnianHeart says:

    Do you think there will ever be a faster way to buy food in bulk from the W-shop? I have to buy a lot of food to keep my many Webkinz full. It can get kind of time consuming, especially when buying on the mobile app, to have to click “buy” over a hundred times to get enough food to feed them. I’ve always thought it would be really cool if you could type in how many apples (or whichever food you were buying) you wanted and then just click “buy” once for that total amount. :)

    • Beckinz8 says:

      THAT is a brilliant idea!!! I’d also like to have sorting options on, like tabs for hats, glasses, tops, pants, skirts, dresses, shoes, and belts. It would make it a LOT faster to find what I’m looking for. And you know the way that furniture is sorted in the Wshop? It would be nice to be able to have that option if we want it in our docks, like all of the tables available at the click of a tab, for example. Just a couple of suggestions to maybe make things easier! :)

      • gernot says:

        I agree. I also think it is an excellent idea to have our dock items sorted under various tabs. I was thinking that just the other day when my pet requested to wear a specific pair of shoes. I have been playing since 2008, so I have a lot of stuff to go through.

    • Elessar says:

      Funny you should ask this questions, because mine is kind of the opposite. I do a lot of gardening and would like to be able to sell my crops to the WShop in one go rather than drag-and-dropping only 12 at a time (times multiple times), which can be quite tiring and time-consuming (I often harvest 200+ plants). Will we ever have that ability?

      • Hyperborea says:

        I have 1600 strawberries in my dock right now for the same reason. I have found — and this may work for you or not — if you put in all twelve berries and hit the “sell” button repeatedly, it will sell berries in multiples of 12, and usually goes through anywhere from 12 additional to 48-60 or more additional in one pop. This helps. It does not help as much as a sell all option, no, but it does help. You have to be careful though; it’s too easy to sell all of something you might have only intended to sell some of (like, I maintain 12 each of the log out and dispenser foods, and sell the overage when it builds up. Accidentally clicking more than once can wipe out a collection.) What I want in terms of gardening — other than a “Harvest ALL” button — is for Webkinz World to please at least stop the nuisance pop-up about what we just harvested. PLEASE make that go away. Not only is it horrendously time-consuming, but it also constantly messes up other things — the button is super-sensitive, and if there is a crop underneath it harvest it out of turn (I need to make patterns when I harvest, it’s a thing for me) or else it tries to harvest it over and over and over…and then I get the annoying pop up that ‘that crop is not ready to be harvested yet’. Well DUH, but yet the button keeps activating it!!! I’m also all for easier access/sorting of clothing, and I can remember when the W shop had the shopping cart option and you could buy multiple items as well as sell that way. And Polly still has a shopping cart, so it seems like that should be possible to return to.

        • Elessar says:

          Hyperborea – I’ve tried using your tip with both Firefox and Chrome, but it’s not working for me. I’ve got over 2000 Pumpkins and the thought of selling them in lots of 12 only is very daunting, so they keep building up. I’m going to stop harvesting them, I think. :( As for your two other points – I, too, would love a ‘harvest all’ button but since we don’t have one, I also (coincidentally) make patterns when harvesting – it helps make the job more entertaining. Lastly, I’m in complete agreement with regards to that “Good job …” pop-up – it is annoying, time-consuming and completely REDUNDANT.

      • MyLittlePony2010EG13 says:

        That is a good question! I really miss the older way when you went to the W-shop and you had this thing where is shows how much is in your cart and you could easily just put in your coupons for what you’re buying. Yeah, I have A LOT of pets just like you do. I think we’re friends on Webkinz too. I’m radishbird3 with Ocean BREEZE (Zicron Puppy) and Xyllia (Opal Pup).

    • TRINSTER says:

      What I don’t like is the foods that actually make your pet hungrier, including the current “monthly meal”. Also candy, juices from Daisy’s Diner, and things like the marshmallow snowman. You never know until you feed it to them, and I think that’s terrible. You have to buy even more food then. I always sell those things, and the candy from the forest is only worth 2KC.

  8. natalie13 says:

    Happy New Year Fiona The 321-Blast-off challenge is NOT keeping track of any of the wishing well 2 plays and you need 50? I do them daily ?

  9. duckgirl1118 says:

    Hi Fiona! Plz answer this before the month is over. I (and others) have been experiencing trouble with the design a pet 2017. I don’t have the submit image button show, only when i log out there is, and when i log into my back-up, the button still isn’t there. I have a cool design. Plz help me. I CAN NOT miss this contest. :(

  10. huggablehoneys4ever says:

    Now I understand why it wasn’t letting me pull up my contacts after KinzPost was updated. I’ve had myself added as a friend for 5 or so years now and it was really helpful with challanges haha. Recently my kinzpost started working again AND I noticed that I was no longer on my own friends list. I guess that’s why.

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