Fan Mail with Fiona


Hello, sweethearts! It is I, Fiona, carrier of KinzPost and answer-er of letters. Want to read more of those? Here’s my archive of past answers!


Let’s see what’s in the mailbag today!



I have a question Fiona. Whatever happened to the Flying Pig??? Is it ever going to happen??


- Becky71W


Becky! You have a great memory. I have great news for you — the Flying Pig was SO popular when it was sneak-peeked as a virtual that there are now plans for a plush! However, there’s not yet a release date for this plucky pig to arrive in Webkinz World, so you’ll have to stay tuned to to learn more.



Hey Fiona! I have two questions for you. The first one is how can I send fan art to Ganz? The second one is can you make a wildflower deer? I made one that I can send to Ganz. Thanks!


~Jordyn from Texas~



Great questions, Jordyn. To send fan art to Ganz, you can either mail it to us (use the same mailing address at the bottom of this article) OR you can email it to the Podkinz team at and they’ll pass it onto the Ganz Fanz Showcase folks! As for your lovely Wildflower Deer idea, how cute! We often pass along great fan ideas to the eStore team, although of course we can’t make any promises.



Is there ever going to be a contest where we can draw a pet fashion line for fall or something? And the winner gets to have their clothes made into Webkinz clothes. That would be SO cool!


 – animelover7644


Cool idea! I love it. I’m going to send this idea to our GanzWorld wizards, who you may have met in a recent Podkinz episode!


Want to write to Webkinz? Send your letters to:


60 Industrial Parkway
Cheektowaga, NY

97 Responses to Fan Mail with Fiona

  1. raspberrypixie says:

    Hi, ggsparkle- there isn’t a specific prize you receive. You probably got a choice thing where you scrolled through a bunch of prizes and selected one. That is the prize your friend was talking about. And don’t worry- you also get one for your fifteenth, twentieth, twenty-fifth, and so on. Happy prizing!

  2. raspberrypixie says:

    Wow! This is so cool- we can finally share our epic Webkinz ideas with the world! (OK, so the Ganz world, but still!) Has anyone else noticed that the Signature German Shorthaired Pointer is no longer on the avatar list? I recently found that while changing my avatar. I’m sad, because my webkinz dog, Oreo, is a SGSHP… He still remains my favorite stuffed animal!

  3. oliviaandlivvy says:

    yay mail!

  4. diwebworld says:

    Oh I think it is…Hi Fiona. You are a very cute character. I have not seen you before. I would like to know if we will ever get a tutor for school classes again. Can you help answer this question?

  5. diwebworld says:

    Hi Is this the way to send a letter?

  6. lizburt03 says:

    This is the first time I have ever seen Fiona. I also have a few questions I would like to ask her. I can’t wait to ask her my questions! I totally hope she answers them! Yay!!!

  7. ggsparkle says:

    My friend told me that we receive a special prize when we adopt our 10th pet. I think it’s the new bed that came out. I now have 11 pets but havn’t received it. Can you please help me? Thank you – ggsparkle

    • playnowpuppy says:

      HI ggsparkle when u adopt your 10nth pet u should get a badge, and super bed!!!!!! Sorry if It dosn’t work :(

    • raspberrypixie says:

      Sadly, it is not the bed that came out, although that one is cute. When you get that prize, a box will appear in your dock. It will give you a choice of exclusive prizes- probably beds. (Hey, maybe you’ll find an even better bed than that new one!) If you do remember getting that, you were probably just expecting something different. But, if you don’t remember that, there’s a chance your friend was wrong when they told you that you would get it on your tenth pet. Maybe it actually appears on your fifteenth pet. But, don’t worry! You’ll get another exclusive prize on your twentieth, twenty-fifth, thirtieth, and so on. Happy Kinzing! – Raspberrypixie

  8. prittynova1 says:

    SOUNDS AWESOME :) it also helped me :D and the new pig plushie sounds super cute :)

  9. rosebud111 says:

    I am OBSESSED with Flying Pigs! They are SO adorable!

  10. red2white says:

    I would like to see a video of Dr Quacks Clinic.

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