Fan Mail with Fiona!



Hello, Webkinz Newz readers! I’m Fiona Feathers, the KinzPost Courier here in Webkinz World. I’m pleased to be starting my own column at Webkinz Newz. We get tons of real letters from players all over the world at the KinzPost Office. It’s my job to make sure they arrive safely and that questions about Webkinz World are answered! So here we go…


Dear Webkinz World,


Hi, I adore your Webkinz products, they are so cute! I also love all the lines of Webkinz you’ve made. What Webkinz are you planning on retiring next in your big retiring fest?




Jasper in Arizona



Thanks for your letter, Jasper! You’re right, we’ve been retiring one pet a week since December 2013. When we retire a pet, it means that they’re completely sold out from our warehouse and no more will ever be made! If you own a pet that’s retired, that means it’s now a collectible item (lucky you!). But to give our pets the proper send-off, we also throw them a weekend retirement party where their owners get to do a special activity each weekend day. Although we don’t announce the retirements ahead of time, if you’re wondering whether your pet is retiring, you can watch for the latest retirement announcements! You can also read more about it here.


Dear Webkinz,


Who designs Webkinz? My favorite Webkinz is the Webkinz Duck. I have two ducks.




Matthew in Ohio



Thanks for your cool letter, Matthew! There are two answers to your question. Plush Webkinz pets are designed by our amazing plush designers in the Plush Department. They come up with ideas very far in advance and try out different concepts until they find the perfect design for each pet. The virtual versions of these pets are then drawn by our talented 2D artists, who base their creations on the plush pets themselves. Virtual-only pets, on the other hand, are designed by our Creative team. Because they don’t take as long to make (computers are fast!), virtual-only pets can be even CRAZIER than plush sometimes! Plus, when Webkinz players make suggestions, it’s much easier to create them as virtual-only than as plush.

Also, ducks are great, aren’t they? Just ask Dr. Quack!


Dear Webkinz,


On the Wheel of the Month, what does the KinzTunes Award do?






Great question, Melody! The Wheel of the Month appears on Today’s Activities once a month and you can spin it for great prizes. The KinzTunes Video Award is a glitzy trophy you can place on a table in your house! A pretty great item for popstars everywhere, don’t you think?




Want to write to Webkinz? Send your letters to:


60 Industrial Parkway
Cheektowaga, NY




78 Responses to Fan Mail with Fiona!

  1. jillton says:

    Where do find Fan Mail With Fiona?

  2. ilovepandas123456789 says:

    I’m going to send fan mail in now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. IDoNotHateThee says:

    I suggest don’t do anything like Share Center. It’s too hard. At least for me.

  4. Lovehorses1996 says:

    Does anyone know if you have to be Deluxe to play game of the day? You used to get to play game of the day, even if it was a deluxe game but now I can’t???

    • IDoNotHateThee says:

      Only some games are Deluxe. I know how you feel. I wish I could sign up for Deluxe, but my mom doesn’t want me to use her credit card.

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