February’s Featured Pets

34 Responses to February’s Featured Pets

  1. momno1 says:

    Llama’s are so “in” these days…. or is it alpacas? Oh well, guess I’ll have to get one of each!

  2. 7debbie7 says:

    omg…I completely love the two-toned llama! she’s adorable and if I’m lucky enough to get one I’m naming her Lulu.

  3. FoxesRule612 says:


    • PennyOpera says:

      Who knew? Right? Well, except you were one of the first people to say so on the guessing page. I pretty well figured it out when they said ‘Lovely Long-necked’ pet. Two ‘L’s in the description gave it away.

  4. migrubbs says:

    I knew it was a llama.

  5. ninjagozane says:

    Blue Bay Dolphin? Weren’t they released not too long ago? Around March 2016?

  6. kandykinz says:

    I love the llama, but am sad to see only one newbie. I am happy to see a unique new pet, though!

  7. moonkey1115 says:

    I was about to be disappointed that there was only one new pet, but then I looked at that adorable llama’s face and now there’s no way I could complain. This one pet is far cuter than the two in past months combined (in my biased, llama-obsessed opinion). I haven’t bought one of the new pets before, but I might have to splurge on this one lol

  8. MaliceLaStrange says:

    Oh my GOD i love the llama!!! She looks different than the other one thank goodness! Gotta get her <3 Good job ganz team!

  9. 20hreiling says:

    That Llama is so cute! also i have the pet of the month for march! :D

    • Beckinz8 says:

      I agree! That llama is adorable! And I’m so excited that the blue bay dolphin gets a month of recognition in March! I hope I remember to enjoy all of the extra free activities each day.

  10. dixiecup says:

    That Llama is too cute!!

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