Fennec Fox Winners

Congratulations to 7debbie7, jillbears,  ilovelollipops1, tallstar107 and novadell! They’ve each been sent a Secret Code for a virtual Fennec Fox, January’s Pet of the Month.

Adopt the Fennec Fox any time in January to get a Pet of the Month loot bag, filled with prizes and a surprise you can’t get anywhere else!

47 Responses to Fennec Fox Winners

  1. babywaby1234 says:

    How do you enter? My little girl wants a webkinz but we cant afford one with the number of surgeries she has to go to so it would be very nice to be able to get one to give to her as her birthday gift coming up.

    • MelvinTurtle11 says:

      You can go to the Ganz Store and buy it there and it will be sent to your house. The only problem about that is that it is a little more expensive. Sometimes, though you can get them for smaller prices at stores like Five Below and A. C. Moore. Hope this helps! Hope the surgeries go OK!

    • lilyloo says:

      you get a ganzworld account by coming on this webkinz site and go to the top corner then you go to the contests center and clicking on enter then you type in what it asks you to and do the math and wait but you only get it virtually hope this helped have fun entering and its free

  2. legodude says:

    congrats! I already have one and I love my fox. He is so cute, all the winners will really like having him.

  3. lilyloo says:

    congrats to everyone who one i hope you enjoy your new pet !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. 1a2s3d4 says:

    congrats! I don’t remember if I entered but, it dosn’t matter because i didn’t win. it dosn’t matter because i don’t need a pet anyway. congrats to the winners though!

  5. balletbear5M says:

    Congratulations you guys!:) I didn’t enter this one, but probably will for February’s!:)

  6. jaybones says:

    Congrats! I want this pet bad and btw I think I know jillbears

  7. xCountryKinz17 says:

    Congrats y’all LOL!

  8. KarenC says:

    Congrats to the winnners! :)

  9. SignatureIsland says:


  10. prprprprp says:

    Congratulations everyone! (Name suggestions: Franny, Fen, or Lillia!) You guys are really lucky! And I know ilovelollipops1 and jillbears I think! they sound very familiar…

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