The Webkinz Snowy Owl Plush is Retiring this month!



Congratulations to all the players who have adopted a Webkinz Snowy Owl because this pet is retiring in January! This plush pet is officially sold out of our warehouse and no more will ever be made! If you see one at your local retailer you may want to grab it because this pet, along with it’s adoption gifts (the Glistening Glacier Throne and Lemming Meringue Pie), are now collector’s items!



Webkinz Snowy Owl owners can play the Counting Sailboats game EVERY Sunday in January and try to win a rare piece of clothing that can ONLY be won by playing the game. You can access the game from Today’s Activities:



Snowy Owl owners can also pick up a special gift box from Today’s Activities on Sunday January 25th. Want to know what’s inside? We’re going to reveal what’s in the gift box RIGHT HERE on Webkinz Newz Saturday, January 10th!



What do you think is inside the Snowy Owl’s retirement gift box? Please leave your comments below…


75 Responses to The Webkinz Snowy Owl Plush is Retiring this month!

  1. SunbrightDestinygirl says:

    No!! Aw, man! I really wanted this owl. Oh, well. At least there are other pets that haven’t retired yet that I still have the chance at getting. Does anyone know if the American Golden retired yet? I kind of think so, but I wasn’t on Webkinz at the time to know.

  2. cooladee says:

    I am asking for the Snowy Owl and the plush Husky.

  3. LKAGI2 says:


  4. MyCatWhiskersRocks says:

    AAAAAHH!! This is my 5th retired pet!!! Here’s the ones that are retired that I have: Portuguese Water Dog. Snow Leopard, White Tiger, Husky, Snowy Owl. I JUST got the Snowy Owl for Christmas!!!

  5. likewebkinz4o9 says:

    if i had it i would name it fluff fluff ~likewebkinz4o9~

  6. sodapuppies37 says:

    Aww, I’m sad to see this cutie go! Congratulations to everybody who has this pet. -sodapuppies37-

  7. gaberdoodle1234 says:

    no way.. oh that’s a cool retirement box.. makes me want to buy the pet.. it’s beautiful

  8. SignatureIsland says:

    AW man! I kinda want that pet. Congrats Snowy Owl owners!

  9. migrubbs says:

    I’m going to get this pet, because it’s on my pet list. I’m naming him Capt. Snow from Redwall.

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