Fennec Fox Winners

Congratulations to 7debbie7, jillbears,  ilovelollipops1, tallstar107 and novadell! They’ve each been sent a Secret Code for a virtual Fennec Fox, January’s Pet of the Month.

Adopt the Fennec Fox any time in January to get a Pet of the Month loot bag, filled with prizes and a surprise you can’t get anywhere else!

47 Responses to Fennec Fox Winners

  1. daddystulip01 says:

    Good Job!!!!! :D

  2. JaneOfAllTrades says:

    Congrats! Hope you have fun with your new pet! :D

  3. lalakr06 says:

    haha i haven’t been on webkinz world lately so i did not even here about this but congrats he’s pretty cute

  4. iloveJesus222 says:

    I dont celabrate hannukah but i had an amazing christmas. And i got the signature siberian husky rainbow hedgehog signature marble cat and the signature ocelot

  5. iloveJesus222 says:

    congrats! i wish i couldve won though. oh well i can buy it if i want to.

  6. kri361 says:

    Congratulations. Can somebody please fix the POM issue?! I have this pet but Webkinz says I don’t so I can’t do any activities. This is very frustrating and not a good way to start the new year. Thank you!

  7. FoxesRule612 says:

    I have a fennec fox but it won’t let me do anything because I’m a free player now!!!! I’m so so mad!! Can you fix this?

  8. Wishful12345 says:

    Did everyone have an amazing Hannukkah and Christmas? Who got webkinz? I got the sparkle harp seal, (Lucy) ribbon unicorn, (Fluffy) gingerbread puppy, (Candy) and the pink iced penguin. (Iceberg) :D

  9. Wishful12345 says:

    My B-Day is almost here! I hope my parents let me become a deluxe so I can buy him in the W Shop! Fennec Foxes are so so cute! :{)

  10. jellydonut says:

    Tallstar107, love the username!

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