Find Out What’s Inside the Groundhog’s Retirement Gift Box!


Congratulations to all Webkinz Groundhog owners! Your pet is retiring this month! Remember to pick up your Retirement Gift Box from Today’s Activities on Sunday, February 22nd:



When you open your gift box by dragging and dropping it in your pet’s room, you’ll be awarded a Backyard Dig Site, Mad Hatter Chair, Favorite Pet Cupcake and a Wish Token:



If you are a Groundhog owner, remember that you can play the Counting Sailboats game EVERY Sunday throughout February. You can access the game from Today’s Activities.



Congratulations to everyone who adopted this pet on their Webkinz account!


51 Responses to Find Out What’s Inside the Groundhog’s Retirement Gift Box!

  1. SuperDog1 says:

    Groundhog owners are lucky having this pet!! GroundHogs are adorable! ~ SuperDog1

  2. endie18 says:

    I have the ground hog, but on the 22nd of February I went to get my gift box but all I could do was count sailboats. What should I do?

  3. legos12321 says:

    I WANT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. creative265 says:

    sweet I wish I had a groundhog their sooo cute plus I like the pllushs too I don’t actually just get them for the code I use the plushes some times but anyway the groundhogs are SOOO cute!

  5. panda6884 says:

    i have webkinz fox but i got it from a grage sale so its not on my the fox retrired.

    • fluff54 says:

      I think that the webkinz fox is not retired. But Congratulations to all those Webkinz World Members who were able to purchase this fluffy, adorable, and cute pet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      • CatHeart says:

        Panda6884, I just looked up is the Webkinz fox retired and I saw a page on Webkinz insider that said this Webkinz is retired! It was the fox. It came out in 2009, and it is retired! So the fox is retired.

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