Find the Acorn Ads!

The Acorn Collection Event is on from September 1 to 30!


And from September 16 to 18, you have a chance to win even more cool fall items!


Look around Webkinz World to find the ads with the Acorns to win these awesome prizes!

It’s simple. Just look for these ads around Webkinz World and click on them. You’ll be taken to a page on Webkinz Newz with a Community Code that you can enter at the Code Shop on to redeem your prize. Codes award one prize per Webkinz World account and expire at midnight EST on October 31.




Good luck!


32 Responses to Find the Acorn Ads!

  1. Fred04 says:

    thank you again for doing the find the ads the way you did it this time and for them being popping up more often than they have in the past. Altho I found them all the first day, their coming more often sure helps everyone have a fighting chance to win all three prizes.

  2. ATLlittles says:

    I cant find the acorn window ad. Help

  3. boro says:

    I have been on the Webkinz site for almost two hours, and have not yet seen an ad with an acorn. Where are they? I have ad blocker turned off.

  4. BWG19 says:

    I got them all. Thanks so much for doing it this way. I missed out on a couple the last time. Couldn’t find it on one day and wasn’t able to log in the other. This is great giving us a chance to win all three over the entire 3 days.

  5. hellishsnowfox says:

    I don’t mind having to copy and paste the codes, however, it sometimes freezes my webkinz page.

  6. Fred04 says:

    I don’t think too much work either and I love the way you are doing it this time. I’ve found all three codes and they all worked – thanks. It is so much better having them available to be found all weekend instead of just one per day. Sometimes we just can’t be on, and then missed the item or couldn’t find it – this is a much better way. IMO Thanks, Ganz

  7. ImaPepper says:

    Hi, oudoll2–sorry to hear you’re having a hard time getting the ads to work for you. Sometimes that happens to me, too. So I blame my computer (lol). I assume you don’t have an ad blocker running…I would suggest you log out of WW, close your browser, clear your cache, and restart your browser. Then log back in and see if that helps when you find the ad. Sometimes I even will restart my computer because it can be a bit glitchy. Hope you find these, they’re fun to decorate with. I’ll friend you, I’m on every day, so go ahead and ask me for acorns, building materials, whatever. I’m Ilse2010 in WW. :-)

  8. MONKEYSMILE05 says:

    I got all 4 codes . Van I get them again Saturday and Sunday ??

  9. MaisyAS1 says:

    OK, seriously, group poll: Who here*wants* to click to win, go to Webkinz Newz, copy down a 12 digit code, go back to webkinz and key in said code in order to win a virtual headband? Or any other prize, for that matter. So here’s a poll… Agree or disagrre as strongly as you like, but please leave your comments so Ganz knows: TOO MANY HOOPS? Yes or no?

    • oudoll2 says:

      I can’t it to work for me. I click the adds and nothing happens. :( And I agree, too many hoops to jump through. I don’t know why we can’t just click on the ads to win one, although for now, even that wouldn’t work for me. “sigh”

    • tinygma says:

      MaiseyASI We need a moment for a talk. If the AD’S CHANGE THESE SHOULD WORK. But what I mostly wanted to say is I am older and play here with grand kids. Life is ALL about jumping through hoops. It never really ends . There a more peaceful times between these challenges. So just be prepared life is a challenge and jump high and fast. Don’t let them see you sweat. WE WILL ALL BE FINE ;) !!

    • ImaPepper says:

      I don’t find it too much work, personally. I do think community codes are a great way for players with multiple accounts to win prizes for all their accounts without having to search each account. We have two accounts, so it’s not a big deal either way; but some players have a lot, so it’s probably really nice for them. And, I just love prizes, so I think it’s awesome, lol!

    • ferretfuzzbut says:

      I don’t care how they do it, I am just Sooooo glad to get the headband and the rug (don’t think I will personally bother with the window because I have several from the wheel of deluxe). I think its great that they do this for us but I guess my response says that if it is not something I care too much about, I won’t jump through all the hoops whereas if it was a click and win I probably would have

    • Cloudy55555 says:

      I guess it’s not a big deal when you don’t have very many accounts to maintain, but if you do, it can become a lot of work.

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