Find The Floating Fizz!



That’s right, it’s going to be a Wacky Weekend in Webkinz World…


From February 23rd – 25th, look for Wacky floating across your screen and click on him for a bottle of Zangoz Orange Fizz or a bottle of Wacky Lemon Fizz. (limited to 8 bottles of fizz per day, 12 for Deluxe players).


Each time you feed your pet a bottle of fizz, you’ll have a chance to win one of two Wacky Fridges: The Wacky Snack Machine Fridge or the Wacky Soda Machine Fridge!



Stay tuned for more Wacky Weekends that are scheduled for this year, and of course, you won’t want to miss our annual Wacky Zingoz Celebration in August.


Visit Webkinz Newz often for sneak peeks and information regarding upcoming events in Webkinz World.


How many bottles of fizz have you found so far? Have you managed to win a Grand Prize? Let us know by leaving a comment in the section below…


48 Responses to Find The Floating Fizz!

  1. tiny1955 says:

    Fed all of the sodas to my pet and got nothing. I hope tomarrow is better.

  2. Alphaowlbear says:

    Well . . . . That was disappointing. I got 6 lemon and 6 orange fizzes and fed them all, and not one refrigerator. I do have a couple of each fridge, but they are great for storage. However, I do love the counter that tells me how many more fizzes to find. That’s a great feature.

  3. Davids1lilpixie says:

    And as per usual, I’m forced to say, what Wacky? I just spent more than 1/2 and hour in Webkinz and everything, and always is, turned on so that I see the clicky floaties in game, I saw not one Wacky. Not. One. :-/

  4. n9vpg says:

    I won the lemon fizz machine.Gathered up 8 bottles .

  5. 19tiny55 says:

    Is it possible to win 2 fridges in the same day ?

    • dixiecup says:

      Entirely. I have done it on more than one occasion. It usually happens, back to back. I have fed until the snack machine showed up and then started with the Soda machine and gotten both. Just remember to feed your pet in the awake state. If you don’t get a fridge within the first 4, Stop. Try again later. If they don’t say anything when you feed them the soda, stop! you won’t get a machine. Try again later. I found that if they say ‘Fizzzz’ or ‘Wack-a-rific’ you are on the right track.

  6. MONKEYSMILE05 says:

    I was wondering if this is the last time these will be out do we have to open all of the bottles NOW ? Will we be able to get the fridges if we open them a year from now ?

  7. motherk says:

    Yeah! What a fun weekend event and right on time for my daughter’s birthday. That’s Wackariffic! Hope we win a grand prize. :D

  8. 7debbie7 says:

    Sounds like wacky fun! Thanks Ganz!

  9. estherfluffy says:

    I hope I get one of each! I missed this event last time (not sure when that was?) and I absolutely these designs! I need them for my wacky room in particular, I think they’ll go great with the wacky flooring, wallpaper, and clothing!

    • dixiecup says:

      That, they do!! I have a whole room devoted to Wacky. I might have to find a place to put all of the gnomes from the Christmas countdown, now. It’s just packed with wackiness.

    • TropicalGirl says:

      Good luck, estherfluffy! I hope you get both fridges, and with all the floating fizz you have a good chance. I have a whole room devoted to Wacky too!

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