Fun Facts about the Pet of the Month!






Hey, Webkinz fans! I am the Pet of the Month for September and here’s a rhyme to help you remember my most unique feature –

A funny old bird is the Pelican

His beak can hold more than his belly can!


We pelicans are known for our huge throat pouches.  The bottoms of our beaks are made of a stretchy, elastic skin. We use our beaks almost like a fishing net to scoop up a fish. Then we tip our heads to drain out the water and swallow the fish – yum!  Some folks think we store our food there like a hamster, but that’s not the case – if I’ve got a fish in my beak, I’m eating it!

When we want to feed our babies, we hold the food in our pouch and our little ones reach in and help themselves. And you want to know something really weird? Sometimes, before or after feeding, our young ones pass out – unconscious! No one knows why. Is that crazy, or what?

We can also use our beaks to catch rain water for drinking. Some types of pelicans can hold up to three gallons of water in our beaks!

Click here to watch my video and answer the questions to win a special prize!

34 Responses to Fun Facts about the Pet of the Month!

  1. Alex the wolf says:

    Woah! More in there mouths than their bellies?

  2. fluffy says:

    how do you make the smiley faces? let me know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. lrgyellow says:

    I got the pelican!
    Be my friend.
    My user name is lrgyellow.

  4. kenobi4598 says:

    Kenobi4598 as the science ninja! 3 gallons of water weighs about 24 pounds! A pelican weighs between 6 and 30 pounds. I don’t think a pelican could take off with that much extra weight. But anyway, this is very interesting info. Thanks ganz! {[!kenobi4598!]}

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