Ganz Fanz: Fan Art Showcase 34

Welcome to another edition of Ganz Fanz! We found these works of art in our Fan Art Share Center.


Webkinz Signature Bernese Mountain Dog, by 20hreiling



Fauna, the the Floral Fox, by FoxesRule612



Fancy Ferret, by OfficialAdventure



Frosting, by Spiderhulkman



Naruto, the Sun Fox, by AnimeTails



If you want to send in your favorite Webkinz drawings (and maybe get them posted on the Webkinz Newz front page!), please share them in the Share Center (under “Fan Art”) at the Ganz Parent Club or snail mail them to:



#043 60 Industrial Parkway

Cheektowaga, New York



149 Responses to Ganz Fanz: Fan Art Showcase 34

  1. Raven578 says:

    Wow! great job FoxesRule. :D

  2. Kinzvision_TV says:

    These are adorable! I ought to send in some of my drawings sometime :)

  3. 4CheeseTortellini says:

    Congratulations everyone on being featured! Your artwork is beautiful ♥ Thanks so much for sharing – You’re all very talented! :o)

  4. ilovemoonie says:

    Wow!! These drawings are awesome!!! 20hreiling, your Bernese mountain dog Is great! It looks so much like the actual virtual pet! :D FoxesRule612, fauna is beatiful!! It also looks a lot like actual pet! And I love that butterfly on her nose. :) lavadragon, (OfficialAdventure) your ferret is so cute!! :D Spiderhulkman, Frosting is adorable!! And that outfit looks good on him too. ;) and last but not least, AnimeTails, Naruto is amazing!!! :D Awesome drawings everyone, and congratulations on being featured!! :D

    • lavadragon says:

      Thank you Moonie! c:

    • ilovemoonie says:

      Oh, and guys, my signature penguin came yesterday!!! I ordered him, (along with the sig. Lion) in place of the sig. Red wolf, which I was going to get, but then decided not to. They needed up costing around the same price as the wolf, (for both) but I am happy with them. :) anyways, does anybody have any signature penguin names? I know that he is going to be a male. And, (not that this matters much for coming up with names,) he is going to “cool” and one of my most popular Webkinz. He will also never take anything seriously, and always be happy and making jokes. :) (about the opposite of my signature Lion, heheh.)

      • TaffyKitty12 says:

        Whoa.. You got a sig penguin?! Lucky……. I wish I had one… Well, congrats, ilovemoonie!!! :) I hope you enjoy your new pets! Now let’s see… Names… Well, I’m not the best at coming up with names, but here’s a few for your penguin: Mumble, Antartico (instead of Antartica), Icecap, Glacier, and Icebreaker :) I hope you enjoy your awesome new pet!!! And his personality sounds cool as well (no pun intended) :)

        • TaffyKitty12 says:

          Oh, and great news, ilovemoonie! I’ve been helping my parents a lot lately, and my dad said he *might* consider buying me a more expensive signature (one that’s in the $20-$30 range) :D :D

          • RosyFox says:

            That’s awesome, Taffy! I hope your dad will buy you one soon! :D

          • TaffyKitty12 says:

            Thanks, RosyFox!! :D

          • ilovemoonie says:

            Thanks, TaffyKitty!! :) yeah, the signature penguin is a great pet. I hope you can get one one day!! And thanks for the names too! I really like Antartico! And Icebreaker is nice (or should I say, “cool”) too! And thanks again!!! ^_^ and wow, that is great news!! I hope you can get a great signature!! (Well, not that all signatures aren’t great, but, you know what I mean. ;) ) you know, I think they have a couple of sig. Penguins on eBay for around $30. I know they have one at least for $28. I got mine for $32. Anyways, I hope you can get a signature!! And if you can, I’m sure whichever one you pick will Be great!! :D

          • TaffyKitty12 says:

            Amy time! :D I bet it’s a great pet!! ^•^ Not to mention it is ADORABLE!! :) I seriously hope I can get one someday! :D And aw, anytime! I’m glad you liked the name suggestions! ^•^ I hope you can find the perfect name for your lil sig penguin! And thanks so much! My dad bought me a new sig last night on eBay. I was looking a few different ones, but I settled on the sig Endangered Clouded Leopard ^•^ And the best part…. It wasn’t super expensive! Okay, well, it was about $40 with the tag… But still…. It was the cheapest one on eBay ^•^ I am so so so excited! Now I’m glad I helped my parents the last few weeks, hehe (that’s why my dad bought me the sig) :D I cannot wait for it to come!!! :D

          • TaffyKitty12 says:

            *I meant to say “Any time”, not “Amy time”! Sorry!

          • ilovemoonie says:

            hehe, yes, it is a great pet, and adorable too!! one thing that I didn’t expect though, is that its wings aren’t stiff, like the barn owls, which is what I expected them to be. instead, they’re floppy, and they have beans in them. it kinda reminds me of a beanie buddy, you know, the ones made by Ty? anyways, that makes it even more adorable, cause you can make it wave! or dance….anyways, I really hope you can get one someday, i’m sure you’d love it!! :D and thanks! and wow, thats SO awesome!!! congratulations!! I was actually considering getting the clouded leopard, but I decided that it looked a little to close to the sig. snow leopard and sig. cougar, and that I wanted something a little different. but I bet it is a awesome signature!! :Dcongratulations again on your clouded leopard!!!! I hope you love it when you get it!! :D

          • TaffyKitty12 says:

            I bet! And wow, it’s wings are floppy? Cool! I thought they’d be like the barn owl’s too. It’s great that they aren’t! Not to say I don’t love my sig barn owl’s wings, no, they are very detailed, but I sorta wish I could move them if you know what I mean. But wow though, that’s so awesome!!!! Now I REALLY want a signature penguin… I know that’s probably too much to ask considering I already got a new signature but um…. Well, I’m sure I can always put the signature penguin on my wish list for later on, right? And thanks so much!!! The signature Clouded leopard is one of my favorite wolf cat signatures that I don’t own, along with the jaguar, lion and cheetah :) And the Lynx :) And heheh, yeah, it kinda reminds me of other signatures… Especially my Bengal cat and ocelot, but, I do love all things wild cats so, this was a must buy! Actually, heheh, I never realized how many signature wild cats have spots… So many do… The ocelot, jaguar, Lynx, cheetah, bengal cat, the snow leopard… Heheh… But the good thing is that all of the fur styles and colors and stuff are different :) And I must say, I especially love the spots on the clouded leopard! They are more.. I don’t know how to explain it… I guess bigger and whisp-y-ish, if that makes sense. It is a unique signature that’s for sure! And thanks so much again! I’ll always treasure my clouded leopard!! ^•^

          • TaffyKitty12 says:

            *I meant to say “wild cat”, not “wolf cat”! Sorry!

          • TaffyKitty12 says:

            Er… I meant to say “flippers” instead of “wings”. Sorry!

      • LuckyTheBeagle says:

        Congrats, ilovemoonie! Here are the names I came up with: Mumble, Emperor, Jet, Petey, Glacier, Whitestorm, Icy Chill, and Ender.

      • Beckinz8 says:

        Name him Cody from the movie Surf’s Up (or Shia – the actor who voiced the character). There’s not much cooler than a surfing penguin! ;)

      • RosyFox says:

        Congrats on getting a Signature Penguin, moonie! Here are some names for him: Olaf (after you-know-who ;D), Chad, Chiller, Tundra, Wesley, Perry, Ivan, Snowcone, Ziggy, Xander, Xavier, Zachary, Samuel, Slope, Glacier, Raymond, or Peyton. Hope I helped as far as names! I hope you enjoy both your Signature Lion and your Signature Penguin! (^v^)

        • Dolphinlover55 says:

          Awesome ilovemoonie! Here are some name suggestions: Iceberg, Snowflake, Icy, Blizzard, Dreamer, Sky, Moonie (like your username:), Winter, Ender and Coaster. I hope I helped!

          • ilovemoonie says:

            thanks, Dolphinlover55!! :D and thanks for the names too! I’ll definitely consider them! ^_^

        • ilovemoonie says:

          Thanks, RosyFox!! :D and thanks for the names too! It’s funny, I was actually considering naming him Olaf before I read your comment. It would fit him, because he’s going to like summer. :) I know he’s a penguin…but I can just imagine him, wearing some cool sunglasses….sittin’ on the beach…..and listening to the “by the seaside” ringtone. ;) (Kinda random, I know.) aaanyways, thanks again for the names! I’ll definitely consider them! ^_^ And thanks! I will enjoy them! I’m not sure they’ll enjoy each other though…at least not Lance…heheh.

    • FoxesRule612 says:

      Thanks, Moonie! (Can I just call you that?)

  5. snowandlindsey says:

    These drawings are so good! Congrats on being featured guys, you all are so talented. Once I tried to draw the purple floral fawn but it doesn’t even compare to your drawings. Maybe I should take some art classes? Anywho congrats again!

    • TaffyKitty12 says:

      Aw, I’m sure your drawing was still wonderful, snowandlindsey!! :) Sometimes I lose confidence in my drawings after looking at a bunch of awesome drawings made by others (this has happened a LOT to me… Heheh… Me and friend send each other pictures often and I am soooo jealous of some her drawings… Really jealous….. One day I draw something that I think is amazing, the next me she shows me one of her drawings, and let’s just saw I then feel like throwing away my “amazing” drawing since it doesn’t even compare.. Heheh..) but after a while, I’ve learned that you shouldn’t let that get you down! Everyone has their own unique creative style, and I’m sure yours is great!!!! :D

      • Dolphinlover55 says:

        I think you should totally take art classes! Art classes are soooooooo fun!!! It just depends on which art class you go to. I bet your pictures are beautiful though, even without taking art classes snowandlindsay:) you are so creative:) your awesome at sewing too!

  6. ghijkl789123 says:

    I love being a part of such a talented community. Great job artists

  7. animedreamer says:

    Love the Sun Fox, AnimeTails!! It’s so cool! Nice job ;)

  8. winterwarriorwolf says:

    Wow!! These are all so great! And cute and creative! Congratz on being featured, everyone!!!

  9. kittymade10 says:

    I just learned how to use one of these wonderful art work to my screen (for pc only) Just drag the top paining (what I used) to the website area. It transforms to (the same page) a small picture space. IF you know what I mean. :) Just save it, and copy it to your downloads. ( matters what type of computer) Then (lastly) post it (kind of to your screen. (on computer) Ditto! XD

  10. kittymade10 says:

    Oh, my! Tails!!! I have not seen you for a while on WW! How are you!

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