Get ‘Em Before They’re Gone!


ATTENTION ALL COLLECTORS: On January 8th ALL Christmas themed items will be removed from Webkinz World for another year… and there’s no telling what will be back and what will be retired for good!


You have just over a week to pick up the following items before they’re gone:


The Christmas Carol Room Theme


Create the perfect holiday town square for your pets with items like the Christmas Caroler Gazebo, Holiday Toy Shop and the Roasted Chestnuts Cart. Available in the WShop until January 8th:



Christmas Clothing


Don’t forget to pick up this year’s holiday clothing from the KinzStyle Outlet including the adorable Holiday Choir Outfit… only available until January 8th!



Christmas Party Packs


Pick up one of these packs from the WShop before January 8th. Drag and drop it into your pet’s room to set up a party for your friends:



Gingerbread Building Kit


Does your pet have a sweet tooth? If so you may want to build them a Gingerbread Cabin to enjoy! Drag and drop the kit into your pet’s room and click on it to start building… available in the WShop until January 8th:






129 Responses to Get ‘Em Before They’re Gone!

  1. als123 says:

    If someone will send me the chesnut cart I promise I will send racecar driver outfit or the bright spies trench coat. Coment me on which one you want if you will send me the roasted chestnut cart. I will try to coment back.

  2. als123 says:

    I really want the roasted chestnuts cart. My WEBKINZ USERNAME is 1Adrianka

  3. AbigailGriz says:

    Can someone please send me the roasted chestnut cart and casual Santa suit top and pants. please!!!!!!!!!!!! I will send you stuff back.

    • als123 says:

      AbigailGritz, I only have the casual santa top from last year and I don’t really like it, but I can send it to you if you really want it. What will you send if I send it to you. 1Adrianka

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