Grumpy Cat Is Coming to Webkinz World!

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A new pet is coming to get grumpy in Webkinz World™!



On March 1st 2014 the brand new Webkinz™ Grumpy Cat toy will hit the shelves of your favorite Webkinz retailer!



Grumpy Cat comes with her own virtual Bad-Tempered Tuna food item to meanly munch on, as well as a Crotchety Cat Bed to curl up in!





Can’t wait for Grumpy Cat to crash the counters of your favorite store? Good news! Get the virtual Webkinz™ Grumpy Cat pet, plus the virtual Crotchety Cat Bed and the Bad Tempered Tuna, in the Ganz eStore starting on Valentine’s Day! Just don’t let this unfriendly feline ruin your romance!



You won’t be able to use eStore points to get Grumpy Cat, but the eStore has come up with a special way to purchase this prickly virtual pet with a credit card!



Stay tuned to Webkinz Newz for more details about Grumpy Cat’s arrival in Webkinz World.



222 Responses to Grumpy Cat Is Coming to Webkinz World!

  1. alyssabball98 says:

    Love this pet! I’m buying this for sure! :) this is the best webkinz pet ever xD

  2. catgrl03 says:

    I love Grumpy Cat! I want her! :)

  3. passwordn2 says:

    i luv him and this video take that ms birdy jk lol

  4. Hunnypoo128 says:

    Yesssssss!!! This is awesome! I will need to get him! :)

  5. sakura2417 says:

    It’s Grumpy Cat!!! Please put Nyan Cat and Tac Nayn too!!!

  6. HappyHerbivore says:

    THIS IS GOING TO BE THE BEST WEBKINZ EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE Grumpy Cat!!! ! ~HappyHerbivore :D Or GrumpyHerbivore! :( Hahaha!

  7. BuffaloGirl14075 says:

    To me this cat looks more sad than grumpy. I know grumpy cat, mine is 17 and 1/2 years old and he seems to get grumpier and noisier every day!!

  8. a_cindy7 says:

    Cool! Now how about Lil Bub?! She’s the poster child for pet adoption! I love Lil Bub!

  9. meemersandboo says:

    I really want this one!!!!!!! i can`t wait i will get this one the minute i see him! one question will come with the name Grumpy Cat? ; D

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