Happy Earth Day from Webkinz World!

If you haven’t logged into Webkinz World yet today, now’s a great time to visit! We’re giving out a fantastic Earth day prize. Your pet is going to love their very own Sun Seeking Solar Panel, perfect for producing lots of green energy! Don’t miss your chance to get a solar panel of your very own – today only!

135 Responses to Happy Earth Day from Webkinz World!

  1. cosame says:

    How do you get the panel????

  2. bomoon says:

    Happy earth day! Sorry I love love meat! I try not to eat it to much but mmm Yummy!

  3. skippysings says:

    I was listening to frogs croak and the birds chip at a conservation area today. I love our planet earth. Happy Earth Day Everyone!!!

  4. Earth Day says:

    happy earth day <33 . thanks so much for the solar panel ! (:

  5. rebecca says:


  6. RelientKFan says:

    Oh, P.S. Happy Earth Day, everyone!! :)

    Peace && Green-ness!!

    :P LOL!

  7. RelientKFan says:

    I already got one, and its looks GR8!!! :) It adds a nice touch to my backyard, and its saving energy!!!

    -RelientKFan Out!

    PEACE OUT!!!

  8. Happy Earth Day Everyone! says:

    Happy earth day everyone! Hope everyone has a great day!

  9. hugapug says:


  10. GE2-Earth Day FAv Holiday says:

    Well, not to sound like an idiot -But WHAT are we to do with the solar panel? are we going to get green pts. somehow from them; like how much you use the electronics in the rooms? stove, lights, tv blender how many fridges, tv’s, and or stoves? Are we going to start getting a power bill? Trying to make it more realistic, aren’t they?. All about the moulah. HAPPY EARTH DAY MAY WE HAVE PEACE TODAY Remember to pay it forward :-}

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