Help Arte Build a Time Machine!


Arte’s Time Machine is the latest Challenge to be released in Webkinz World! Help build the machine, power it with atoms and explore the past with Arte… just try to avoid the Lunar Lugbotz on the way home!


Complete this Challenge to win some pretty neat prizes including the Ancient Civilization Wallpaper, Dex Dangerous Model Space Fighter and a Digital Stopwatch Clock!



You can play Webkinz Challenges by clicking on the icons along the left side of your pet’s room. Each time you complete a task, you will be one step closer to completing a Challenge. When you finish a Challenge a new one will appear! Challenges are a great way to earn KinzCash and win really cool items for your pet’s room.


You have to finish the Deep Sea Explorer Challenge in order to play the Arte’s Time Machine Challenge.


How many Challenges have you finished? Leave us a comment below…


78 Responses to Help Arte Build a Time Machine!

  1. smokeygirl5pet says:

    I have finished pretty much all the challenges and I currently working on the wizard mega challenge and the Arte time machine

  2. dune456 says:

    I have these items already and it’s so cool WW is giving us a chance to win more. I have a couple of new accounts and they don’t have items yet so this is Great!!

  3. gtraut says:

    First comment yay this looks cool but I don’t think all be able to do it

  4. jwnauny says:

    I have completed all the challenges.

  5. crokasmom says:

    Just finished the challenge! Glad there were more ‘unique’ prizes than the same ones you can buy at the WShop. But why have us play the same game twice? Vary it up a bit!

  6. puppylove402 says:

    First comment, Awesome!!! The challenge is pretty cool…!

  7. shalta321 says:

    I have finished all the challenges so far, although I am working on this new one now. (Arte’s Time Machine) I already have these prizes , the wallpaper, the model space fighter & the stop watch clock….it would be nice to win something I don’t already have. But thanx anyway Ganz…I really love the challenges!!! :) :)

  8. bminemier1 says:

    I’ve finished all of them. When will there be more? They are so much fun!!

  9. isabell says:

    I saw people asking me for the watch . . .

  10. mugsysgirlatzilladogcom says:

    OMG!This is,like,SO cool.Always wanted the wallpaper.And…it’s…just..just..plain awesome.

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