Highland Jacket and Top: Secret Clothing Recipe Revealed!


If you want to create a dapper outfit for your pet, the Highland Jacket and Top will have them have looking sensational at any ceremony! This terrific top can be made at the KinzStyle Outlet by picking out the right combination of clothing and then crafting them together to create something new!


Just click on the Clothing Machine button in the KinzStyle Outlet (Webkinz Classic desktop app only) and use these 3 clothing items to create your own Highland Jacket and Top!




Pair it together with the Highland Kilt and your pet might just start a tartan trend! The Highland Kilt can also be created in the KinzStyle Outlet Clothing Machine, using the recipe found here.


Want to know about MORE Webkinz Secret Recipes? Check out our Secret Recipe archive here!


Have you discovered the stove recipes in Webkinz Next yet? They’re fun and easy to make!
Just click on a stove once you’ve added it to your room and it will show you a list of recipe foods. You can select any of these recipe foods to learn which ingredients are required.



Unlike Classic, some recipes may require multiples of a single ingredient.



Once you’ve added your ingredients, click the “Cook” button to make your recipe food.



It’s that easy! There’s lots of recipes to make, and even more recipes you can unlock! If you enjoy cooking and crafting, then you’ll love Webkinz Next!


Which Webkinz Classic secret clothing recipes are YOUR favorites to make?  Let us know in the comments below!




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36 Responses to Highland Jacket and Top: Secret Clothing Recipe Revealed!

  1. little24 says:

    This will be perfect for the desert rain frog I just adopted!

  2. elyl5 says:

    how is it secret when everyone can see it?

  3. smiley216 says:

    Super funky hoodie is fall style striped hoodie, studded low top sneakers, play hard tee

  4. bren191 says:

    I love both of these recipes. Thank you sew much.

  5. phoenixphillip says:

    I am ecstatic to finally at long last know this secret recipe! It always puzzled me as a child and I’ve been trying hard to solve it these past two months!

  6. noonesfriend says:

    Keeping my knickers out of the twist! ; just paring them with my new jacket ! So glad to finally have the recipe; isnt thats what is important ? Congratulations to WHOMEVER figured this out long ago! Good Job Salute !

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