Highland Jacket and Top: Secret Clothing Recipe Revealed!


If you want to create a dapper outfit for your pet, the Highland Jacket and Top will have them have looking sensational at any ceremony! This terrific top can be made at the KinzStyle Outlet by picking out the right combination of clothing and then crafting them together to create something new!


Just click on the Clothing Machine button in the KinzStyle Outlet (Webkinz Classic desktop app only) and use these 3 clothing items to create your own Highland Jacket and Top!




Pair it together with the Highland Kilt and your pet might just start a tartan trend! The Highland Kilt can also be created in the KinzStyle Outlet Clothing Machine, using the recipe found here.


Want to know about MORE Webkinz Secret Recipes? Check out our Secret Recipe archive here!


Have you discovered the stove recipes in Webkinz Next yet? They’re fun and easy to make!
Just click on a stove once you’ve added it to your room and it will show you a list of recipe foods. You can select any of these recipe foods to learn which ingredients are required.



Unlike Classic, some recipes may require multiples of a single ingredient.



Once you’ve added your ingredients, click the “Cook” button to make your recipe food.



It’s that easy! There’s lots of recipes to make, and even more recipes you can unlock! If you enjoy cooking and crafting, then you’ll love Webkinz Next!


Which Webkinz Classic secret clothing recipes are YOUR favorites to make?  Let us know in the comments below!




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36 Responses to Highland Jacket and Top: Secret Clothing Recipe Revealed!

  1. ztubnnylaroc says:

    Thank You!!! Thank You!!! Thank You!!! :)

  2. XenoQuacker says:

    Finally. Thank you.

  3. catsrock2012 says:

    Thanks but the striped pants seem like an odd recipe item choice

  4. megamom12 says:

    At long last!!!!!! I’m so happy!

  5. AuntietoEW says:

    Thank you for telling us the recipe! The ingredients are not items that make sense to me. This is one reason that the recipes are difficult to guess. Another reason for difficulty is the number of possible choices. Now we have a complete outfit to put on the pets. Thank you again!

  6. alucard says:

    Thank you! I don’t like wasting my KinzCash trying to solve clothing (and recipe) items. I appreciate Webkinz posting the recipes. Not every player enjoys guessing games. This Highland Jacket is so cute! Again, Thank You so very much for releasing the recipe to us! :-)

  7. dixiecup says:

    Now I can make the Kilt and the Jacket to complete my ensemble for my Schnauzers .. I never got the Scotty dog, so my Schnauzers will be honorary Scots. Such a simple pattern, I would have never thought of the cummerbund, but the striped pj bottoms and Ribbon criss cross top, that makes perfect sense!

  8. raggedyann1968 says:

    I’m excited to make this jacket today!!

  9. rhtq1 says:

    Why, oh why, do they always reveal the whole recipe? Just after midnight and it seems someone has already solved it, in a kind of unfair race for kid’s game (what kid is up at this hour?) I wish they’d reveal just one or two items to make the unsolved seem more possible to find…

    • cagebird says:

      Why are you complaining when Ganz/Webkinz does something good? I’ve had this shirt long before the recipe was officially revealed. It’s not like a trophy was going to be rewarded. Plus, a lot of adults, like myself, play this game so don’t assume it was a child. Honestly, I hope they reveal the rest of the unsolved recipes. Thank you Ganz for this post!

      • caseyspacey says:

        Congrats cagebird on keeping this unsolved recipe hidden until GANZ reveiled it. You are the true solver of this recipe.

        • cagebird says:

          Oh no, I wasn’t the one who solved it first or even at all. I received my shirt in a random trade a few years back.

          • caseyspacey says:

            Oh. ok would have been nice to have this clothing recipe earlier since clothing recipes seem to be hard than food recipes.

      • catsrock2012 says:

        I think it is because the first person who makes it gets a trophy. I get the disappointment if you aren’t checking the oage right at the stroke of midnight

        • ngeorgianow says:

          Well, I believe that food recipes give the first solver a trophy. That doesn’t seem to be the case for clothing ones, but, of the previously unsolved recipes revealed over the years, there have been food ones I do believe (it can also just come down to the numbers… there are more food recipes still unsolved). I believe that @rhtq1 was slightly misremembering, but the point stands. Besides the fact that many past and current players have spent a lot of time and effort trying to solve these. It would be a smart idea, and drive up engagement perhaps, to tease ingredients first then reveal.

    • kalcan8 says:

      I sort of like your idea @rhtq1. That way it would give everyone the same sporting chance. If the article dropped on the weekend at 10 AM, then many players could take a shot and hope for a lucky combo to get the third item. The only limit would be your amount of saved KC. But then once it’s solved, post the whole recipe for the rest of the community to enjoy. Was this one previously unsolved? I look forward to making it!

    • megamom12 says:

      Most likely a different time zone.

    • 11auntie says:

      This is not a newly released recipe that was immediately solved by someone the same day. This is a very old recipe that has been solved by many people since 2010, but Ganz did not reveal the ingredients to the entire membership until now. People who were able to solve it on their own shared it with their friends, but most of us who did not have the time or resources to try never knew it until now. The very first solver won the prize then. I’m happy to finally know the ingredients. (Ganz could have prevented this confusion by being more precise in their news release and including the information I just gave.)

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