How Many Lil’ Birds? Winners Announced!


Some of you correctly counted 14 Lil’ Birds with the ‘Found one’ badge in Webkinz Newz articles in June and were entered into a random draw!


We’re excited to announce the five randomly-selected winners, who will each receive a code for a Webkinz Classic Lil Blue Jay and a Webkinz Next Brilliant Butterscotch Tree:








Congratulations to the winners! Look for a message at the email address associated with your GanzWorld account by end of day tomorrow, Tuesday, July 6, 2021.




How many Lil’ Birds did YOU find hiding in Webkinz Newz articles in June? Remember it’s ONLY the Lil’ Birds with the ‘Found one!’ badge that count. Submit your answer in the Contest Page to be entered into a random draw. Five winners will each receive a code for a Lil Webkinz Blue Jay in Webkinz Classic AND a Brilliant Butterscotch Tree in Webkinz Next!





64 Responses to How Many Lil’ Birds? Winners Announced!

  1. kmade15 says:

    Congrats to the winners!

  2. hannah5banana says:

    OMG! I can’t believe I won. Too bad it’s a Webkinz next butterscotch tree. With multiple Webkinz accounts to do every day I don’t have time to do Webkinz next.

  3. AuntietoEW says:

    Hi Bonesbongo. It would be nice to know from a Ganz staff member where the 14 “found me” birds are located. There were dozens of people who counted 13 “found me” birds, including me. Your list is almost the same as my list. The “All players enjoy two weeks of free Deluxe!” Article was originally posted on June 3. That makes it #2 on my list. Then a staff member made a change and republished the article on June 4. That makes it #3 on your list. Our #2 and #3 birds are just flip-flopped. This could be the article mentioned as being posted twice. It is very confusing whether this bird counts once or twice for the contest. If my opinion, both answers could be given credit. That would mean another batch of winners. Congratulations to all the players who received a virtual lil kinz blue jay!

    • bonesbongo says:

      Hi AuntietoEW my original list was the exact same as you #1 (June 1) Webkinz News Birdwatching Contest! Blue Jay #2 (June 3) All Players enjoy TWO Weeks of Free Deluxe Robin #3 (June 4) Visit the Bake Sale Stand at the Kinzvill Park Canary…and so on only 13 birds found, on my other list I went through every article posted in order to find the birds and still only 13 birds to be found. It would be nice for a Ganz Staff member to post where the 14 ‘found me’ birds were located. ~ shelkinz67

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