How Many Penguins? – Winners Announced

Congratulations to colormylife, animalmomkls, and Inkblot! They’ve each been sent an Adoption Code for a virtual Baby Penguin.



There were 19 little penguin plushies hiding in this picture.



Looking for a penguin to love? There are lots of penguins in Webkinz World! In fact, there’s a bunch hiding in this room!


How many Penguin Plushies can you find?



Write the correct answer in the comments below by 9am tomorrow morning, March 30, 2017, to be entered into a random draw to win one of three virtual Webkinz Baby Penguins!



589 Responses to How Many Penguins? – Winners Announced

  1. sureis says:

    i see 19 plushies

  2. sureis says:

    My guess is 20 penquins. Thank you! fun game

  3. adoptmepleaz says:

    20 Penguin Plushies

  4. itmustbenice says:

    My guess is 20 little guys.

  5. bonesbongo says:

    I can see 20 Penguin Plushies.

  6. Beckinz8 says:

    This was a really difficult one, but even when I enlarge it, I can only spot 19 at the most. When you reveal the answer, it would be great if you could highlight all of the hidden penguins somehow, so we can all have a facepalm moment! Thanks, and good luck!

  7. Blue57Star says:

    I found 19 penguins. good luck everyone!

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