If YOU Were a Designer…

Hey Webkinz Fans, we’ve got a question for you! If you could play designer and makeover an area of Webkinz World, what area would you choose – and how would you change it? Just let us know your ideas in the comments section below. We’d love to hear what you think!

301 Responses to If YOU Were a Designer…

  1. ooladop says:

    I have an idea that me and my friends have been talking about for a while. Iknow we have an employment office, but why not get a little more detailed with the work your webkinz does. Webkinz could put in an oilfeild that you could work and get paid kinzcash for how long you work. It’s another way to earn kinzcash and it can be fun. You can work at the W shop. You could add in a restaurant that you could actually be at and be a waiter. And I’m sure that you can think of even more. I think this could be a great new addition to webkinz world because it teaches responsibility,, but you can also have fun with it.

  2. bubble says:

    we should have a candy store were you can buy candy

  3. icey5956 says:

    i would also like it if you got free webkinz codes on your birthday.

  4. icey5956 says:

    I dont like the fact that you need to buy ganz estore points. i wish that if you went on for a centain amount of days in a row or even in daily activities you could get FREE estore points!!! i cant buy anything there

  5. mermaidhb says:

    ok i would redesign pj collie’s clothing choices i would make totally new fashions like long silky dresses for the girls and torn shorts and a football t-shirt for the boys and they would come in a bunch of different colors!

  6. puchipie2 says:

    Maybe the Kinzstyle Outlet should have new clothing,maybe the special items should be exclusive and not just regular clothes that you can buy there anytime.

  7. Enter Name Here says:

    if i could, would redo the club house and turn either the restaurant room or super chef room because why have two places to eat? i would change it back to another party room because that was me and my friends favorite room and were upset to see it go. Another room that needs changing is the second trading room! maybe that could be the party room or even a swimming room with a huge pool that could fit many kinz

  8. doglover2011 says:

    I would change the e-store the prices are outrageous… Their was a cow for 750,00 e-points that’s $70 and that is unbelievable.

  9. Barraki says:

    Well, Dr. Quack’s Office is basically the only place that still has the original design. Maybe you could update it so that there are more interactive features, like getting a special lollipop after an appointment. You could add a waiting room, and a seperate office. :)

  10. Anonymous says:

    Oh, definitely the Wshop. It’s a great place for everything I need, but it’s so BORING there! There should be grocery aisles and checkout counters! You could pick up your items from shelves then, and buy them at the checkout! Then you could even add an Employment Office job where you act as a cashier and ring in items!! :D

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