If YOU Were a Designer…

Hey Webkinz Fans, we’ve got a question for you! If you could play designer and makeover an area of Webkinz World, what area would you choose – and how would you change it? Just let us know your ideas in the comments section below. We’d love to hear what you think!

301 Responses to If YOU Were a Designer…

  1. Jcl440 says:

    I would lower the prices of the stuff at the curio shop and put estore items in the curio shop for 455 to 700 kinzcash.

  2. Lool says:

    I’d change the park into a amusment park! Awsome huh?

  3. B1o2o says:

    I would definitely get rid of the e-store. It is TOTALLY UNFAIR!!
    I would also make the W shop like a real store, with actual isles.

  4. dana says:

    If i were a designer i would design clothes for prom night’s :)

  5. maya says:

    I would love it but, i like the hopping bunny thing because i won the bunny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. amelia says:

    Wish Factory. Puhleeze!I could totally give it a makeover it needs some style!Maybe classy or elegant,retro,old western,maybe even a royal english palace I got tons of Ideas to share so if this is a contest nominate me remember!

  7. Jocelyn says:

    I would make over the travel agency! The chat rooms need updating. Maybe a few more interactive elements in the chat and party rooms. More prizes awarded! New souveniers, new games and new places to visit!

  8. 1belief says:

    I think a jewelry store would be so cool! Like earrings, necklaces, and braclets!

  9. gunnerdaknife says:

    defintly kinspark, 5min & i’m bored! theres nothing to do but swing on a swing or seesaw, I think there should be more activitys, like putting actule shows on in the theater, like those make your own story things, & games like how much can you jump rope or something to keep yoy amused longer, also being able to friend people in the park instead of only in the club house. the second thing I would change is offering more classes in the school, I get so bored just doing the sameones over & over, I have 7 pets! & plan on adding more, there not that fun once a day, doing them 7 times in a row, drives me nuts sometimes!!

  10. webkinzfan says:

    I think P.J. Collies have a little renewed because nothing has been changed to her when I came in 2009

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