It’s Party Time (Again)!

To continue our week of great ideas for making your very OWN Webkinz celebration, let’s learn how to make some party games!







Gem Hunt: This game is SO much fun – and really easy to do.

What you need: Bristol board (gray or black is ideal), 12 paper cups, gray paint, paintbrush, craft glue, 7 colored marbles, 5 regular gray rocks,  construction paper, markers, prizes

What you do:

1.       If the Bristol board isn’t gray or black, paint it gray!

2.       Paint each of the paper cups gray. Let them dry.

3.       When the cups are dry, lay them out on your Bristol board. Under certain cups, put a marble.

4.       Under the cups without a marble, put a regular gray rock.

5.       Glue the cups in place.

6.       Wait for everything to dry.

7.       Make your legend. Draw a picture of a marble and put the name of the prize your guest can win if they find that particular colored marble. Have some consolation prizes for people who find ‘slag’ (a gray rock).

8.       When it’s time to play the game, have people rip through one of the cups to see what’s inside. They can trade their rock or marble in for a prize!


Wishing Well – Will your guests be able to find the right combination to get a BIG prize?

What you need: Tall box, packing peanuts or scrunched up paper, twelve marbles – four different colors, three of each color, legend, prizes, stuff to decorate the well with

What you do:

1.       Decorate the box so it looks really magical and interesting.

2.       Put a layer of scrunched up paper in. Add a few marbles. Layer some more paper and marbles.

3.       Create a legend. It should be something like this:

3 marbles of the same color = BIG prize

2 marbles the same, one different = MEDIUM prize

3 marbles all different = SMALL prize


4.       Have your guests reach in and (without looking) pull out three marbles. Give them a prize, depending on what marbles they pulled out!


Jellybean Challenge – What a tasty game!


What you need: Jellybeans, jar, slips of paper, pencils

What you do:

1.       Wash your hands.

2.       Count the jellybeans as you put them into a clean jar. Remember how many are in there!

3.       Have your guests take a guess as to the number of beans in the jar. They can write their guess on a slip of paper.

4.       The guest with the guess closest to the correct number wins the jellybeans!


Wacky Zingoz – Best played outdoors, but a recreation room works well too!


What you need: Yellow balloon, at least three friends, masking tape or skipping rope, score chart, prizes


What you do:

1.       Blow up the balloon (or have your grown up assistant do this).

2.       Use the skipping rope or masking tape to divide the area in which you’re playing into two equal halves.

3.       Two friends stand on one side, two stand on the other.

4.       The object of the game is to keep “Wacky” (the yellow balloon) up in the air. Bat it back and forth between teams, just like in volley-ball.

5.       If a team lets Wacky drop, the other team gets a point. Keep track of points on your score chart.

6.       The first team to ten points wins!

7.       The winning team gets a big prize, the other team gets a smaller prize.



14 Responses to It’s Party Time (Again)!

  1. dotdotbam says:

    i might try the wacky zingoz game it looks fun. i’m still a kid with one sister but it will work! or i know she can get one
    of her webkinz and i get one of mine and then the webkinz can play! lol that would be fun!

  2. sunshineydoodlebug says:

    wouldn’t the balloon not cross over very easy?

  3. Angela says:

    That sounds COOL! Thanks for the idea!

  4. Emily says:

    Could a clue be peanuts? It says packing peanuts… and there’s no jellybeans in the W-Shop.

  5. Doriski says:

    Oh yeah! Here is my idea:
    Get a balloon
    Paper machea it and after it dries make look like wacky, his eyes mouth maybe even arms and legs or little fluffy thing at the top of his head could be added on!
    After that you can make a little hole and fill Wacky with candy.
    Patch the hole and let dry.
    Blind fold the guest and let them have two tries to hit “wacky” (the pinnatta).
    If a guest breaks it open candy will pop out!

    Ps. I think maybe someone already thought of this. Sorry if they did and posted it!
    Oh and you can do what ever you need to to make the pinnatta because I have only made one once and that was a long time ago!

  6. Doriski says:

    Wow that is one way to spend a lot of money on candy/jelly beans!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Jayne says:

    This has got to be a clue!

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