It was the Grey Vole all along!




Thanks to the eagle eyes of our players, we were able to track down the Grey Vole in Ganz eStore and discover that it was the culprit that was sneaking tulip bulbs. When the Tulip Pony confronted the Grey Vole, it explained that it was just hungry! The Grey Vole is brand new to Webkinz World and didn’t realize that it could find lots of its favorite food – Crunchy Shoots Spring Rolls – at the W Shop. The Grey Vole has no need to dig up dirty old tulip bulbs anymore!



All your hard work helped the Tulip Pony solve the mystery! Remember – you can keep visiting the pony in the Clubhouse looking for the tulip bulbs that the Grey Vole dropped floating through Webkinz World until May 31!



And to thank you for help, here is a code for one more bunch of tulips from the Tulip Pony!





To redeem your prize, log into Webkinz World and enter this code at the Code Shop, which can be accessed through the ‘Things To Do’ menu. Code awards one item per Webkinz account and expires at midnight EST September 30, 2020.

25 Responses to It was the Grey Vole all along!

  1. megamom12 says:

    Poor baby! I will fix you food!

  2. kaye10 says:

    totally makes sense! yay! and… they are sooo cute together :) best, k.

  3. tuxkitty1 says:

    Thank you for the tulips!

  4. Unikitty16 says:

    i knew it

  5. ianinlyheahruja says:

    Awww! At least now he can get his favorite food at the W-Shop, and doesn’t need to dig up tulips!!!

  6. PupKid008 says:

    Yay! Tulip Pony and Grey Vole, best friends forever! :)

  7. 7debbie7 says:

    Thanks For The Lovely Red & White Striped Tulips. Happy That The Tulip Pony * The Grey Vole Are Best Buddies Now Too.

  8. MONKEYSMILE05 says:

    I’d love to send these to my grandma she onlu has 4 . But they cant be sent :(

  9. okira says:

    What a cutie! I had a feeling that it was the new pet all along, and so did most of us I think. Still super fun!! And thank you for the tulip code, you can never have too many tulips!

  10. Anathema says:

    Oh good because the red and white tulips have been absurdly rare on my accounts, and they’re the ones I want a ton of, of course.

    • kidzrock137 says:

      I feel like it is kind of randomized for each person since one of my friends has been struggling to get one while another one of my friends has been getting them non-stop.

      • megamom12 says:

        My mother used to plant them in our side flower bed by the house. She also planted the Daffodils for me because they are my birthday flower. I liked the ones with the White trumpets!

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