Jumbleberry Fields Item Design Finalists Announced!

We had so many great submissions for a new item to add to our Jumbleberry Fields prize pool! The creative team has narrowed down the list to ten items that we think would make great additions to the game.


Now we want to hear what YOU think! Although the final decision is up to the creative team, we will take your votes into consideration. So take a moment to check out the finalists and then click the button at the bottom to vote.


The winner will receive five Berry cottages courtesy of Ganz eStore. Nine runners up will each receive a Moonberry Car!


Swing by carcasa


sugarberry sewing machine by arteme


Rustic Hay Wagon by W1kinzebra


Quilt rack by acoolaunt


Jumbleberry Mobile by Woof02120


Jumbleberry Kiddie Pool by Demongirl10


hide & seek haystacks by griffoned


Hay loft by RhinokinzW3


farmhouse fireplace by KSC


candle light by lexieorrell


68 Responses to Jumbleberry Fields Item Design Finalists Announced!

  1. ReggiefredX says:

    I loved the swing and hide and seek haystacks. (:

  2. dixiecup says:

    Carcasa, they will send you an email to the address you provided when you signed up for Ganzworld.

  3. lilbibleman says:

    Hard to pick just one. I want them all. Congratulations, Finalists!! Well done. :)

  4. MoxieMadrina says:

    So many great options. Wish we could vote for our top 3 or 4 or even 5. I love fireplaces and swings, and it would be great to have more that aren’t eStore. But the hayloft would look great in my weathered barn. The quilt rack and treadle sewing machine would look great in a pioneer or country room.

  5. tkkac says:

    These are all so great I can’t even pick one to vote for!

  6. orangeiscool says:

    My favorite has to be the Hay Loft followed by the Rustic Hay Wagon and the Hide and Seek Hay Stack. Good Luck to all.

  7. cardinal4562 says:

    Congratulations to all the finalists, especially my great friends, Barcode and Rhino! Hugs from Mistletoe

  8. KSC says:

    Thank you so much for choosing my farmhouse fireplace as one of the finalists! I am still in shock! Congratulations to carcasa, arteme, W1kinzebra, acoolaunt, Woof02120, Demongirl10, griffoned, RhinokinzW3 and lexieorrell!!! Your creations are wonderful!! I feel honored that my design is included in the pool with all of yours!

  9. Bubblilious1 says:

    These are all amazing. Great ideas to everyone who entered.

  10. Sparky1109 says:

    I love the hayloft and haystacks! What great ideas from all of the finalists!

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