June’s Featured Pets

99 Responses to June’s Featured Pets

  1. griffoned says:

    Ganz, this is literally the most disappointing month in the history of Webkinz. I fail to see you planned this a year in advance. How often do you listen to fan suggestions? I had a huge Instagram story post that I tagged the Webkinz Instagram on to. How often do you listen to new fans’ suggestions? You need to improve in communication so we can all get what we want from this. I’m saying this to save Webkinz. Please listen to us.

  2. robinroyal says:

    We already have both of these pets. They are cute, but they are not new.

  3. crystalkinz18 says:

    Okay Ganz. These pets are pretty bad. I’m sorry. They’re cute, but we already have these pets. Please branch out. Listen to your fans. I’d love to see Webkinz that we don’t already have. Or just pets that are unique. For instance- a new dragon, some more reptiles (that we don’t have) some more aquatic animals like an octopus or a squid. Please listen.

    • griffoned says:

      I know. This is like the one time that they won’t respond to us. We haven’t had a new dragon in a while, and they act like they have done every animal under the sun. I don’t mind recolors, but this is where I draw the line. I would love to hear them say “I’ll pass it off to the creative team.” But the second someone complains about an issue, look who’s here.

    • BestMom says:

      An octopus would be awesome.

  4. ferretfuzzbut says:

    Wow, maybe Ganz should stop trying to come up with 2 new pets each month. They are obviously have some trouble thinking up new pets (though the WK community has some cool ideas…like the lobster I submitted and everyone else’s suggestions in the contest and on here.) WHY oh WHY do we keep seeing minor variations of the same thing?!

  5. MyLittlePony2010EG13 says:

    Aww! The Chipmunk is super cute!!!! I can’t wait!!! Isn’t the Black Labrador like the Black Lab that retired in 2008? Doesn’t “Lab” stand for “Labrador”? Anyways, I can’t wait ’till the contests are out!!!

  6. phreeby says:

    I would love to see a platypus, simply because Webkinz has been sticking to the Googles pets, and going along with previous comments, there are thousands of animals to choose from, why not start making them a reality?

  7. EarthLover22 says:

    What does it mean if a pet is featured for a month?

  8. BellErina says:

    I think a tri-colored collie would be GREAT! The plush collie has been retired for a long, long time. It was the color of PJ Collie. A tri-colored collie would be mainly black, with tan & white. Plus collies have long hair, so it would be really furry! :)

  9. greenmagic77 says:

    Hey Ganz! I have some suggestions. Could you guys make more Christmas, winter, or holiday pets? I would love to see a jolly holiday cat like the jolly holiday puppy. Or a gingerbread cat and horse. It would be so cool if there was a snowglobe pet or a monorah dragon for those who celebrated Hanukkah. Could there be a holiday pet contest please? That would be amazing!!! :)

    • mea91 says:

      The monorah dragon sounds beautiful!

    • bubbashuka says:


    • gemrysforest says:

      Little brown and grey mice, a red Holiday Helper dragon, more googles, more fladoodles…these are a few of my most wanted kinz! And yes, in general, dragons. MOAR dragons!

    • BuffaloGirl14075 says:

      I agree with you. I would also like to see an Independence Day or Memorial Day Pet. One or more for Thanksgiving Day pets. I know the USA and Canada celebrate Thanksgiving on different days in different Months, so we could have two opportunities to get a Thanksgiving pet

      • greenmagic77 says:

        Glad you guys agree! Thanksgiving pets, more googles,more mice, and a red holiday helper dragon would be great ideas! Many people who celebrate hanukkah and other holidays might feel a little left out if they don’t celebrate Christmas. So I thought it would be a good idea for a dragon and a Hanukkah theme. Although they do have some monorahs.

  10. nezt says:

    Ganz, please start branching out. It’s getting old seeing the same animals over and over again with just subtle changes to the existing designs. There are so many neat animals and I think the Webkinz community is swimming with ideas for pets they want. Maybe start listening?

    • BH1464 says:

      I totally agree nezt! We already had at least 4 Black Labs, the regular size Webkinz, the Lil’ Kinz, the Signature and the Kinz Klip. There were at least 2 different Chipmunks. The regular size Webkinz and the Signature. Why make ‘new’ pets that we already have several of those pets? I LOVE Labradors. Especially Black Labs, but I don’t care for this ‘new’ version at all. I’m glad I have the old style Labs. The Chocolate Lab is great! But the newer Cocoa Lab actual toy and on-line avatar don’t even look like Labradors. I so dislike the Cocoa Lab that I won’t even put it on my account.

    • AmericanCivilWar1861 says:

      I love you Ganz, but I have to agree with nezt.

    • griffoned says:

      I’ll list some: babirusa, Komodo dragon, quoll, quail, numbat, Qinling Panda, golden takin, gila monster, dugong, pigeon, porpoise, seagull, little blue penguin, cassowary, kiwi, gerenuk, tufted deer, leatherback sea turtle, peccary, tapir, anteater, mole, shrew, sable antelope, kudu. These are the Webkinz that I suggest that you do. (By the way, I made it like a song.)

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