Keep Collecting Dragon Coal!


This holiday season, remember to keep clicking on Raziel’s Dragon Egg Basket on the Map of Kinzville to keep it warm and comfy! Do this 100 times and you’ll win an amazing Raziel Slide, plus other special prizes along the way!


58 Responses to Keep Collecting Dragon Coal!

  1. Hunnypoo128 says:

    In the Pick N Win section, under FUN, does anyone know what you win when you do the Raziel Pick N Win??? Is it just cash…because I haven’t seen a prize or anything.

  2. LivingAloha says:

    Three more days until I get my dragon wings!! It does take forever when you are not Deluxe, but, oh well….. still going to get those wings!!!

  3. cathren874 says:

    im not as close to done as i would like to be. Good thing is that it ends in April.

  4. longlongtail62 says:

    When does the challenge end? I need 18 more.

  5. emi5959 says:

    Only 70 more to go.. sigh, can’t wait to receive the grand prize!

  6. dctalk says:

    Is the prizes tradable (Wings, music box and slide)?

  7. dctalk says:

    I have Just got the map i hope i can finish by april

  8. SnowBunny1997 says:

    I just got the jacket. This is going to take forever.

  9. autumn_the_cuzzy says:

    I only have two more to go on mine! I heard the slide is a disappointment, but I’m liking my jacket and music box very much!!

  10. bowtie54372 says:

    I am so close to finishing! I have 3 Santa Sleigh Rides, and I’m about to get my fourth! My younger brother paid me ten bucks to send him one of them! :-)

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