Let’s Build: Jumbleberry Fields!

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In honor of the Berry Festival starting today, Michael shows us how to build Jumbleberry Fields then creates a cute country style kitchen using prizes from the game.


Create your own room design videos and upload them to YouTube… you never know, we may post your video right here on Webkinz Newz! Just make sure you use “Webkinz Room Design” in your title so they are easy to find.


Have you filled up a Jar of Preserves and traded it in for a prize? How many Jumbleberry Fields prizes do you have and which one is your favorite? Leave your comments below…


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137 Responses to Let’s Build: Jumbleberry Fields!

  1. kitdoll4 says:

    Can you build a school room?

  2. memesheets says:

    i want to see him do the garden, the after party, and the air port

  3. IDreamOfHorses says:

    how about a barn with stalls for your horses i might have to do that later or maybe a battle arena

  4. blackpuppy2012 says:

    How do I get free e poits

  5. PuttyTat3 says:

    Awesome idea i’m going to try it! I would love to see a water park or maybe a hotel :)

  6. minecraftdog04 says:

    Moonberries and pickleberries are rarely found on webkinz. Is there a gem celebration? Because i just got the rarest gem today:6/15/2014.It is the webkinz diamond.

  7. xGummySparklesx says:


  8. fdnsuf says:

    I think you should make a fast food restaurant with some spree items(:

  9. adara917 says:

    wow! the field was really thought out and i loved how it was a garden, market, and greenhouse at the same time! it would take me forever 2 get so many prizes from jumbleberry fields, though. i feel like the kitchen was cluttered, but it was overall a great jumbleberry field kitchen and field!

  10. halleykinz says:

    I love this!!! Thanks for the awesome room tips! I would love to see a huge walk in closet to organize all your clothes.

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