Letter from Laurabeard

Dear Nibbles,

Oh my gosh! I have had so much excitement since I wrote to you last! We picked Matilda Monkey’s trail in the jungle and followed it, but then it suddenly and mysteriously ended. We couldn’t figure out what could have happened – it was as if she just disappeared. But then, as we were looking around, we heard this shouting that sounded like it was coming from somewhere far away. When we stopped and listened, we realized it must be Matilda but it sounded like she was in trouble. We shouted back and told her to keep calling out so we could follow the sound of her voice. I was walking along a path with Dogbeard when I suddenly felt my feet give way below me and if Dogbeard hadn’t grabbed my arm I would have fallen into a deep hole. We looked down into the hole and there was Matilda! She had fallen into the hole! We threw down a rope and pulled her up. She had a twisted ankle and she was almost out of water but other than that she was fine. In fact, she was more than fine – she was really excited about the maze of underground caves she had discovered. We helped her back to the nearest village where she is going to rest up and get the proper equipment to explore the site. She said it could be a major archeological find!

We’re in the village now so I am taking this chance to write to you, but tomorrow we board Dogbeard’s ship again to take off on another adventure!

Matilda says to please send Arte her regards.

Bye for now!



27 Responses to Letter from Laurabeard

  1. ihg04 says:

    What does “Matilda says to please send Arte her regards.” mean? BTW i did not know you were on a trip

  2. cathouse2 says:

    That was very cool! Have fun!


  3. ooooooooooh says:

    did you notice how matilda sends her “regards” to arte? i smell love(inlove)

  4. 2cheerios says:

    Yay! Another letter from Laurabeard. I’m so glad she found Matilda! I hope your next adventure is going to be fun :)

  5. CricketsClub says:

    sounds like LauraBeard is having the adventure of a lifetime! keep us posted with more cool stories, please! :)

  6. sahara says:

    i love webkinz they are so cool i go on there website like every day!

  7. PinkWebkinz says:

    :P Twisting an ankle is not fun :( I learned that the hard way……
    Put some ice on it! :)

    Cool! Can’t wait to see what is next! :D

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