Look For Daisy On Your Kinzville Map APRIL 1 – 9


From April 1 – 9, Daisy Doe will be walking on your Kinzville Map and you can click on her once a day to get a special serving tray you can open in your pet’s room to receive a prize! This is an “Ads On” event, which means that you must have our ads turned on to see Daisy on your map. CLICK HERE to learn more about how to turn our ads back on if you are using an Ad Blocker.



You can use the THINGS TO DO menu to access your Kinzville Map. When you see Daisy, click on her and the serving tray will be added to your Dock.



Drag and drop the serving tray into your pet’s room to open it and get your prize. There are 4 prizes to collect, including the Basket of Veggies that can be placed in your pet’s room:



The other 3 prizes are food prizes that you can feed to your pet. Are you an aspiring chef? Use a Sandwich Maker to combine the Fresh Pasta Salad with a Tofu Burger and Crunchy Kale Chips to make a Vegan Veggie Wrap!



The Tofu Burger and Crunchy Kale Chips are available from Daisy’s Diner in the Clubhouse. Visit Daisy in her diner every day and click on her to get a healthy menu item each day. Here’s a look at what you can get:





When was the last time you visited Daisy’s Diner? What’s your favorite item on the menu? Please leave your comments below…


51 Responses to Look For Daisy On Your Kinzville Map APRIL 1 – 9

  1. slk says:

    Not seeing Daisy today – Asian account. What’s up with that?

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