Look for the Ghost in the Reading Room!


From October 20th – 31st, look for the ghost in the Reading Room at the Webkinz Clubhouse and click on it to collect candies. Collect all 12 to win a ghostly Grand Prize!



You can collect candy from the ghost every 6 hours. You may want to feed the candy to your pets, or keep them as special Halloween souvenirs! Here’s a look at this year’s candies:



Collect all 12 candies by midnight, October 31st (EST) to win the Grand Prize: a Haunted Organ that was designed to match the Haunted Castle room theme:



What do you think of this year’s Grand Prize? Let us know by leaving a comment in the section below…


71 Responses to Look for the Ghost in the Reading Room!

  1. 307emily says:

    Thanks for making the ghost so easy to find. Years before you had to keep looking in different places.

  2. julieperkins says:

    that is a totally awesome prize, I can’t wait to win it!!!!!

  3. tiffanyava says:

    This is amazing! I love the ghost that will appear once you click on the piano. Thank you so much Webkinz for the detailed and thoughtful Halloween prizes. I just won my windmill and I am loving it. I can’t wait to see what you have in store for Christmas!

  4. mycatsnores says:

    Gonna be a tough one – I have out – of – state doctor/hospital visit 3 days this week but what a great prize! All the more reason to figure something out. :D I love Halloween on Webkinz! Good luck everyone!

  5. megamom12 says:

    I’m going to have to work furiously on this one. I missed yesterday because of work and I work Monday and Tuesday as well.

  6. gmatiny says:

    How about Ghost wall paper just a few couples danceing that are ghosts. ALSO GHOST FISH swimming in a background for underwater rooms. It could be used as a bathroom wall paper after all many fish have ended with a Royal flush . Wait that sounds like a western card game room hmmm a different way of taking that wall paper ;)

  7. Electra says:

    Wonderful prize, beautifully designed. Thank you!

  8. moonkey1115 says:

    I LOVE the grand prize. I’ve been admiring the background on the login screen every day, so I’m super excited to actually be able to get this item!

  9. bubbashuka says:

    OMG yay!!!!! I love this!!! :D The prize is okay, but I don’t mind, I’ve been WAITING for this event!!

  10. Nibbles123451209 says:

    I wonder if Webkinz will bring back the Candy Corn Cheesecake item in the future?

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