Look for the Lil Purple Goldfish Fish!


From July 18 to 22, look for the Lil Purple Goldfish in Webkinz World and on the Mobile App! Click on it to get a prize sent to your Webkinz account! Free and full users can spot this Lil’ Fish three times a day, while Deluxe users can spot it up to 5 times! And look for the Lil Purple Goldfish all year ‘round at Ganz eStore!


33 Responses to Look for the Lil Purple Goldfish Fish!

  1. julieperkins says:

    Those are really fun prizes Ganz thank you so much, your always so generous!

  2. tammy9 says:

    I would really like the tent, haven´t been that lucky yet

  3. Kitterzy says:

    Could you please make the campkinz platform tent kinzpostable? I can’t send it to my friends. I can’t trade with it either. I would really appreciate it. Thanks!

  4. obvsamermaid says:

    These rocks are geysers when you put them in your room!! So cool, water shoots up really high!! :D

  5. Mila14 says:

    I just won the blue tent today, I can’t believe it. This never happens. This is awesome!!

  6. wilddfire says:

    with all these fish so far ,all I’ve gotten is rocks. I wish I could get some of the other prizes.. Here’s to hoping.

  7. Pineapple6 says:

    I won the Blue CampKinz Platform Tent today! I am so excited to share this news! This calls for a new CampKinz room!

  8. wbirkas says:

    I got the tent, I can’t believe it. A great one this time!

  9. ImaPepper says:

    I have the bed in a different color–it would be awesome to have the blue one!

  10. itsmecarlk says:

    I haven’t been very lucky with the rare items so far. I was really looking forward to the lantern tree, but I will look out for other chances to get it in the future. Crossing my fingers I get this platform tent this go around! Also, good luck to everyone else! :D

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