Look for the Lil Purple Goldfish Fish!


From July 18 to 22, look for the Lil Purple Goldfish in Webkinz World and on the Mobile App! Click on it to get a prize sent to your Webkinz account! Free and full users can spot this Lil’ Fish three times a day, while Deluxe users can spot it up to 5 times! And look for the Lil Purple Goldfish all year ‘round at Ganz eStore!


33 Responses to Look for the Lil Purple Goldfish Fish!

  1. bamboo211 says:

    Are the prizes ever going to include the fins again. I have not gotten any of the fins yet.

  2. PEBBLES1973 says:

    I have the tent bed got it long time ago

  3. perfect29_backup says:

    I really want the blue tent bed!

  4. ShebaQueen says:

    Love the rare item! I really hope that I get it! Best of luck to everyone!

  5. ilovemoonie says:

    Ooh, cool! I hope I can win one of those blue tent beds! :)

  6. 1Emerald1 says:

    Oh awesome, more rocky geysers, I can always think of something to do with more of those!

  7. pinkiecupcake says:

    Hooray! I can’t wait!

  8. beerfeet says:

    Wow, I just saw the Rare blue camp bed at the estore last night. I sure hope I win one.

  9. zeusfist says:

    Congrats to all who are getting the rare items! They must be really rare. I have 3 Deluxe accounts and have clicked on the fish 5 times each account each day and have received plenty of the common and uncommon items. Hoping my luck changes with the upcoming ones! Thanks Ganz for the varied opportunities to win items!

  10. wintercrush says:

    Ugh! I really want the blue tent bed! Fingers crossed I get it.

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