Look For Two New Fan Designed Souvenirs At Vacation Island!

You’ll love the Pirate Rubber Ducky and the Decorative Sand Art!

You might find them when you visit Sheldon’s Souvenir Shack on Vacation Island!

22 Responses to Look For Two New Fan Designed Souvenirs At Vacation Island!

  1. fedorovgirl says:

    Love both of these designs!

  2. jjp012 says:

    Love the pirate rubber duckie! So cute!

  3. SavvyCub15 says:

    These are so cool! Wish I could get these!

  4. dramaprincess05 says:

    animallover001, I tried to send you a ducky, but can’t to free members. So sorry.

  5. FoxesRule612 says:

    Why does it say “Pirate Rubber Ducker” in Sheldon’s Souvenir Shop? LOL I thought that was kinda weird

  6. nicetigress says:

    I love Rubber Ducks!

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