4 Tips for Playing Mazin’ Run!


Learn to master obstacles!



The Mazin’ Run trophies are great collectibles!



If you beat all 10 levels while playing on Hard, you will win an actual Mazin’ Run bubble to for your pet!



It is challenging to conquer all ten levels of each difficulty. Here are some tips for mastering the trickiest obstacles in the game!


1. Jumps



Although a jump seems simple, it can be hard to get the right timing. If your jumps are consistently too short, try waiting for the very edge of the path before hitting the spacebar. You might be surprised how far onto the edge you should roll before jumping.



2. Side Jumps



These jumps are tricky! To conquer them, I like to use the controls on the screen. That way, I can keep one hand on the spacebar for the jump while my other hand controls my lean with the buttons on the screen.


When approaching a side jump, press the spacebar at the edge of the path and, when in the air, use your mouse to click the lean button. Release the lean once you’ve hit the trampoline. Watch your pet land on the other side!


3. Leans



Use the S and D keys or the buttons on the screen. I find it much easier to make these leans when I use the button on the screen.


Also, you can hold a lean for as long as you’d like. So, if there are coins in your path or if there’s another lean straight ahead, keep leaning!


4. Cannons



Wow! These cannons come out of nowhere! Make sure you’ve mastered the lean key before you play on Medium difficulty. Don’t get flustered by these cannons. Lean in the opposite direction and lift your lean quickly! There is usually a turn on the other side.


Coins are bonuses in this game, but I like to try and collect as many as possible because leaning back and forth is great practice!


What are some of YOUR Mazin’ Run tips?




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16 Responses to 4 Tips for Playing Mazin’ Run!

  1. JadeSweetSummer3 says:

    I have that hamster ball I got it in a trade but Maze an run is such a fun game TYSM for making it<3

  2. birdfolks says:

    Hamsters, I have to say after trying the game today was terrible, I like classic much better u where in a tube, but here u barely move your bar on the computer and off and out of the game u are. Wish it was like classic.

  3. booreeves says:

    You might want to watch out because on the side of the Trampoline will make you go out to the side but if you get close to the edge of the Trampoline and jump and if there’s a rock obstacle you should lean and when you get to closer to the rock on a side stop lean and jump on the edge of the Trampoline same with the tree

  4. grandmaback says:

    Thank you so much for these tips! I actually got past the trampoline. I just need to practice more.

  5. aw28r2 says:

    I didn’t realize the things on screen were buttons, so this was super helpful. I finally managed to finish the easy course!

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