Look For Two New Fan Designed Souvenirs At Vacation Island!

You’ll love the Pirate Rubber Ducky and the Decorative Sand Art!

You might find them when you visit Sheldon’s Souvenir Shack on Vacation Island!

22 Responses to Look For Two New Fan Designed Souvenirs At Vacation Island!

  1. choover143 says:

    I love these. I can’t wait to get them.

  2. gadsfavs1 says:

    This is OT: When I click on the floating acorn, why when I put in my WW password, does it log me into GW?

  3. aml321 says:

    I love the pirate rubber ducky!! He is so cute! I also rly like the multicolored sand vase

  4. snuggles56100 says:

    i love rubber duckys

  5. harevister1 says:

    I have the sand art. The Pirate rubber ducky is so cute.

  6. Davids1lilpixie says:

    Lol oh my gosh, love the ducky!!

  7. animallover001 says:

    So cool! Wish I could get them but I’m not deluxe :(

  8. outgoinglyshy says:

    Oh, I love that Pirate Rubber Ducky! He’s very cute. :)

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