Meet Ms. Cowoline!


Mooreen Cowoline is the Superintendent of Kinzville Academy. As a teacher and a mom to her daughter Cowabelle, Ms. Cowoline is dedicated to educating the pets of Webkinz World! That’s why she opened up the Kinzville Academy in Next where your pets can participate in fun classes.
Fun fact: did you know that Ms. Cowoline is voiced by our very own Sally Webkinz?


Visit the Academy every day. You pet will be assigned three classes at increasing levels of difficulty. The classes might involve word play, number skills, art or physical prowess. The three classes are always followed by a pop quiz.



As they play, your pet learns and earns school ribbons. School ribbons can be traded in for exclusive school items at the School Spirit Shop! The stock in the Spirit Shop rotates, so you never know what you’re going to find!



You can also use your ribbons to purchase Skill Cards at the Skill Shop that can be used to improve your pets’ performance in other areas of Webkinz.



Come see Ms. Cowoline to get your class assignments every day! She looks forward to seeing you at the Academy!




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9 Responses to Meet Ms. Cowoline!

  1. KSC says:

    My favorite class is the word game! I like how the academy is set up in Next. In Classic, my most advanced pet is stuck at level 7 of strength and speed. I’m not sure we’re going to get past this level and make it to graduation.

  2. Davids1lilpixie says:

    I dunno, maybe it’s me, but I much prefer the Ms Cowoline from Classic. This is darned creepy, lol.

  3. kalcan8 says:

    I love the letter tiles game so much that I downloaded an app to just play that! I agree that the Easy level of this game on Next is more difficult, because you get so few guesses that you can’t rule out enough letters. Sometimes I have to guess the four letter word and all I’ve found is an ‘e’, and that’s not even in the correct spot! @_@ Could someone please point me toward the Newz article that thoroughly explains the Skill cards? I seem to have missed it. Thanks!

    • crystalfawns53 says:

      I don’t think that I can post links, but if you click on the News Blog, it should be on the top of the third page in a few hours. I hope this helps. On another note, I completely agree with you on how the easy mode for the letter tile game is so much harder than the medium or hard version. I sometimes only get 2 out of 4 letters right because of how little tries that we get. I also happened to literally get trolled in that game because while playing easy mode, the correct word turned out to be the word “easy.” That had me rolling…

  4. memsrjoan says:

    Are you ever going to add things like school desks, shelves, black/white boards, etc. like in Classic. There’s not enough here to really make a classroom or school.

  5. rachelgirl192 says:

    I like the word game the most. The “easy” one is often more difficult, because you have less tries. And yes, sure I knew that Sally is Ms Cowoline :-)

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