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Michael and Gennelle give us a sneak peek of the Baby Dragon Pet Buddy and show off Melanie and Wanda, two Fairy Buddies!
You have until midnight Thursday, May 15th to enter the Baby Dragon naming contest! CLICK HERE to read the rules of the contest and leave a name suggestion.
PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE A BABY DRAGON NAME SUGGESTION IN THIS POST. Any name suggestions that are left as comments in this post WILL NOT be eligible to win the contest.
hello name it atistic or on what it does
name it fireburnt
cole! because “coal”LOL!tottaly cole
Wait can you have multiple buddies up at a time, if not they should have that.
I think you should name it Sunshine or Orange
no, even those are all great ideas……… i think the baby dragon should be named… Razzy. get it because its mothers’ name is Raziel. so Razzy is born!!!!thank you for considering my idea