Meet the Finalists – Day 4

Are you ready for April 29? We hope you’re considering which pets from our list of 32 finalists will get your vote!


Here are four more finalists for you to consider!


Tigerlily Pup

History was made when we released the Tigerlily Pup so we had to add it to the list! This pet was the winning entry for our first ever “Design a Webkinz” contest!



No one can resist this sweet face! A beloved friend to so many Webkinz players, the Panda loves to hang out and relax—but it always wants to win, so watch out!


Flutter Pig

Is this the most unlikely Webkinz ever? Maybe…and we’re so glad the Flutter Pig finally arrived in Webkinz World last summer! This happy pet adores making everyone’s wildest dreams come true as it flits to and fro.


Midnight Monster

The Midnight Monster is one of our most unique looking Webkinz pets. It’s spooky, goofy but mostly adorable! Plus, anyone who’s ever wanted a monster as a pet could bring this cute creature home!

86 Responses to Meet the Finalists – Day 4

  1. renfroekid2201 says:

    Flutter Pig :)

  2. luckiestmom says:

    Panda!!! A Classic and still sooooooo cute!!!!!!!!

  3. ginger55 says:

    Yes all are so special in this one, I can’t choose!! I love pandas and pigs, the pup is adorable and the monster is sooooooo cute!!

  4. raeraerae says:

    panda!! I really want one of the original webkinz to win

  5. bee225 says:

    panda! panda! panda!!! i have one a lil panda she is sooooo cute! panda is the best webkinz

  6. marinawaterd59 says:

    I am TOTALLY going for the Panda! #Let’sGoPanda! #10YearsofWebkinz

  7. flutterby7 says:

    Has to be Panda for me :D

  8. witsch73 says:

    I don´t like blue pets. But I love the Midnight Monster. It lives under my bed.

  9. drtolli says:

    the panda! I have three of them including a signature one.

  10. BrightnSinging2Carrots says:

    Is it possible to vote for two? I’d vote for the Flutter Pig and the Tigerlily Pup in a heartbeat!!

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