The graceful Signature Deer would spring to the rescue of a stranded pet as part of the Webkinz Rescue Team. The deer can keep watch over the territory through its PSI, the Friendly Forest Window. It’s also great at foraging when food is scarce – digging up ingredients for its PSF, the Grilled Sugar Beet Salad.
Such an elegant pet would look lovely with whichever one of the beautiful pieces in the exclusive Signature Room theme that comes with it.
And we think maybe such a sleek pet would put the bonus Wish Token that comes with it toward the Sleek Swan Boat Car in the Wish Factory.
We’d leap at the chance to add the Signature Deer to our Rescue Team!
To add them to your team, you can find the Signature Deer and other Signature Pets at Ganz eStore and in the W Shop.
I’m really hoping to see the Bedtime Puppy or Rainbow Rascal in plush form!
Please bring back Doctor Quacks office.
Can anyone tell me what happened to the TV shows webkinz used to do?
Doe, a deer, a female deer, ray, a drop of golden sun! XD
me, a name, I call myself, far, a long long way to run! ^-^
sew, a needle pulling thread; la, a note to follow so;
tea, a drink with jam and bread~!
And that will bring us back to doe! :)
Hahaha!!! XD
Doe, mi, mi… mi, so, so… re, fa, fa… la, ti, ti… When you know the notes to sing, you can sing most anything!
I have found the best comment thread on this website.
So cute! Thanks everyone, for the smiles and a tear :-)
Awesome job you guys!! And yes, I did sing along. :D
I enjoyed that! Excellent movie!
Ahh, you guys, that’s so cute! XD
Best thread ever! haha!
Lovely :) I have that song stuck in my head! Thanks! LOL :D
Very pretty, I love the window too!