Meet the Winner of our Teacup Yorkie Recipe Contest!


We are very excited to announce the winner of our Teacup Yorkie Recipe contest! We had some amazing entries for a recipe that came be made using the three types of Tea Sandwiches that are dispensed by the Teacup Yorkie’s PSI, the Tea Party Buffet Table!  The selected recipe will be turned into a recipe food in Webkinz Next and added to the game in an upcoming release.


And the winner is… Tea-rific canine delight by sunnypinksky!



Congratulations sunnypinksky! Look for a message at the email address associated with your GanzWorld account by the end of this week!


And Teacup Yorkie owners can look forward to cooking up a cool new recipe!

17 Responses to Meet the Winner of our Teacup Yorkie Recipe Contest!

  1. Sollace says:

    Cute design! More of a bone meal and a tartan look? Love it!

  2. KRISSYMC54 says:


  3. mfaull says:

    That design is amazing! Congratulations!

  4. Dorothy839 says:

    Congratulations sunnypinksky ! This design is just as special as the fantastic Tea Cup Yorkie and I can’t wait to be able to make this on my amazing Tea Party Buffet Table. Ganz is very lucky to have such talented players willing to share their designs and ideas with the rest of us. Again, Congratulations!

  5. kalcan8 says:

    Congratulations @sunnypinksky! Why didn’t I think of that? What else would a TEAcup Yorkie want to eat than a hearty MEAT-TEA drink?!? LOL! ;-)

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