More Fan Build Screenshots!


Hey Guys, I am excited about today’s post which features 7 room designs by expert designer; Autumn! These rooms are all inspired by the Harry Potter books & movies. Autumn actually sent me more than 7 designs, but I had to narrow it down so I picked my favorites.


Thanks to everyone who sent me a screenshot of their room… keep them coming!


first up is Autumn’s version of Harry’s room under the stairs in the Dursley house. Great design, especially for a small sized room:



Here’s a view of the Dursley neighbourhood on Private Drive:



This beautiful outdoor room features the Hogwarts Express on the way to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Autumn has added Ron driving his father’s flying car after the design was finished:



Here’s a look at the Great Hall inside Hogwarts. Prof. Albus Dumbledore, Prof. Minerva McGonagall (cat on left) and Prof. Severus Snape (bat on the right) await the arrival of the students into the Great Hall.



I really like this design. It’s Hagrid’s Hut! The pumpkin patch and dragon statue are great touches:



This one is also one of my favorites that Autumn sent in. It’s Gringott’s Wizarding Bank! look at all that KinzCash:



The final two screenshots are classroom that would be found at Hogwarts. First up is the Denfense Against the Dark Arts class:



This last design is probably my favorite out of the 7 (although it’s so hard to choose a favorite). It’s the Herbology Class. There is so much going on here but everything is so well organized:



Congratulations Autumn. You are a such a talented room designer and I always look forward to seeing the screenshots you send me.


I hope that Autumn has inspired you to build new rooms for your house. Want to send us screenshots of some of your favorite rooms? E-mail them to me at Who knows, you might see them in a post right here on Webkinz Newz!


Which one of these room were your favorite? Please leave your comments below…


191 Responses to More Fan Build Screenshots!

  1. tntmonton says:

    These are really nice, shouldn’t have photoshopping though, should only be Webkinz items.

  2. tntmonton says:

    These rooms are fantastic!!

  3. LUV says:

    Okay, THIS IS AMAZING!!! I AM SUUUUCH AN HP FAN! Harry’s ittle room, Private Drive, the Hogwarts Express, inside Hogwarts, Hagrid’s Hut, Gringotts, the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, and the Herbology Class are all AMAZING!!! You inspired me to do something! I watch this Disney Telanovela called Violetta, and if any of you have seen it, I’m making Studio 21/ On Beat Studio in Webkinz World! :D -L U V

  4. Bubblilious1 says:

    Thanks Autumn for sending these in. I never get tired of your amazing rooms or Harry Potter. I’m a huge fan.

  5. chickenlittleROX says:

    Awesome job Autumn! I think Ganz should offer you a job:)

    • TElVid128 says:

      LOL!! I bet that would be pretty fun!!! :D Thank you for posting and with such kindness!! <3 :) ~ Autumn

    • 1Emerald1 says:

      That’s a great idea, chickenlikttleROX. Autumn would make a wonderful Webkinz Newz host! She’d be a great replacement for Michael when he gets promoted or moves on in his career!

      • TElVid128 says:

        1Emerald1: I am truly flattered, thank you, Love!! I don’t really know what to say to these comments~ lol!! <3 I do hope Michael is currently extremely happy and here for a very long time yet!! :D Webkinz wouldn't be the same without him here with us!! ;)

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