More Pets Retiring This Fall

Since last summer, we have announced the retirement of close to 80 Webkinz plush pets. These were very popular plush designs which had been completely sold out of our warehouse, with no plans to ever make more. Congratulations to all the players who managed to add one of these rare pets to their collection!



We would like to let everyone know that we will not be retiring any more plush pets this summer, but we will be continuing our retirement program in the fall, at a less frequent rate. Throughout the past year we were announcing a new retirement close to every week. This will be reduced to approximately once a month, with a special retirement event EVERY week for those who have a registered retired pet on their account.



We also apologize for all the Webkinz Guinea Pig owners who were unable to play the Counting Sailboats game on Saturday July 5th. We will be rescheduling this game for Guinea Pig owners on Saturday August 9th. Good luck counting those sailboats and looking for prizes!



Stay tuned to find out which pet will be retiring in September!

85 Responses to More Pets Retiring This Fall

  1. lunargirl says:

    I was about to get a guinea pig I was about to pick it up but a little girl picked it up before me

  2. Zazadoos says:

    Thank you!

  3. PANDAGIRLK9 says:

    So what if you have the pet that’s retiring, and you couldn’t get on for the sail boats and a stuff?

  4. _Autumn_ says:

    Send me a friend request i need more friends my username is eeveegirlrock

  5. 613dolphin says:

    Thank you, Ganz, for listening! I’ve been so tired of seeing the pets being retired every week. I wish it were easier to know a bit more ahead of time what was retiring. I also wish that the wishlist on the Webkinz site was updated more. That way it would be more functional. (I know that would be a lot of work, but I’ve been really actively playing again since last year and there are so many plush Webkinz I have never heard of or seen before.)

  6. cranberry123 says:

    I need to play count the sail boats you can get the sailor hat from it!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Queen says:

    I wish they would quit retiring the GOOD pets and retire some of those totally random ones. Soon Webkinz will be dominated by pink reptiles and sparkly dogs O.O ~*Queen*~

  8. resolution22 says:

    I thought it was my computer when then sailboat game wouldn’t load. I’m glad we get to redo the game again soon.

  9. zinzogs says:


  10. 5631 says:

    Ummm is the duck retired? I have two.

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