More Sketches From Our Talented Artists!

We’ve had such a great response from posting our last set of artist sketches. Thank you everyone for your interest in what goes on behind the scenes in our studio! Here are 5 more concept sketches from our talented Webkinz artists for you to enjoy:




You’ll find the Holiday Present Cannon on sale at the Ganz eStore this holiday season. This concept sketch shows the cannon in action:




The Drummer Boy Nutcracker was one of last year’s Countdown to Christmas prizes.  Look how close the actual item is to the artist’s concept sketch:




The Festive Feast Place Setting was also a Countdown to Christmas prize from last year. The food in the concept sketch looks delicious, but unfortunately it wasn’t included in the final item:




The Snowy Globe Chair is the Webkinz Snowflake Pup’s special adoption gift. There are very minor differences between the artist’s concept sketch and the actual item:




You’ll find the Festive Stained Glass Window on sale at the Ganz eStore this holiday season. You can see that the concept sketch featured the Webkinz Friends logo but this was changed to the Webkinz logo on the actual item:


39 Responses to More Sketches From Our Talented Artists!

  1. petlover24435 says:

    I really wish the food was on the festive feast place setting…I also wish the festive food place setting was at the Wshop!

  2. tabbykitten101 says:

    OMG! THESE ARE SOOOO GOOOD!!!! wish i could draw like that T.T

  3. xWindWardWolfx says:

    So cool, keep up da good work, :3 -xWWWx

  4. silverknux1234 says:

    WOW! These artworks are very realistic looking! Now that is AMAZING! :D

  5. foxybeat says:

    I have the Snowflake Pup snow globe!! it is soo cool! your pet can sit in it! wanna see it? friend me I 2651carle!

  6. dctalk says:


  7. Kotowolf says:

    Webkinz should sell a concept art book. These are really nice to look at; I always adore production pieces! well done!

  8. thechocolatezorua says:

    Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I’d put more thank yous in the box, but it would take at least a century to type them all.

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