More Trick Or Treat Street Concept Drawings!


I wanted to thank everyone who left us feedback for the first set of Trick or Treat Street concept drawings. I read over each comment and was really impressed with your suggestions. There was a lot of focus on the Halloween homes, in particular, the colors and look & feel of each home. I really like how the concept drawing for the costume shop turned out (you’ll see it in this post). I think that we will model the homes to match the look and feel of the shop, but still keep the bright colors that were used for each one. This way, they will look less “haunted” but remain colorful and feel as though they belong in a charming neighborhood. In any case, I really like the suggestion of triggering a doorbell sound effect and having your pet say “Trick or treat!” when you click on each home.


Now, I’d like to share the concept drawings for the second half of the Trick or Treat room theme. Please leave your feedback in the comments section below. Tell us what you like or don’t like about each item or how you would make them better. Just like before, we will be reading each comment carefully and take all your suggestions into consideration:


Here’s another look at the bench that will be including in the theme. Don’t worry, “Halloween” will be spelled correctly on the final item:



Here is the costume shop I was referring to earlier. The shop will be 3 tiles in length, so there won’t be any gaps along your yard if you decide to add a door to the room:



The idea behind this tree is that it will change slightly when you rotate it. 3 of the rotations will feature unique Halloween decorations and the last one will simply be a plain, fall colored tree that could be used for any type of room design:



I really like how this white picket fence turned out. The expressions on each of the jack-o’-lanterns faces are priceless:



Finally, here’s a look at the novelty gravestone that you’ll be able to use to decorate your front lawns. Similar to the tree, this item will also change slightly when rotated in room:



How do you think this theme is coming along? Let us know in the comment section below and stay tuned for your first look at the final items that will be modeled in 3D. I plan on showing the first half on Saturday, August 31st…


127 Responses to More Trick Or Treat Street Concept Drawings!

  1. Elfinlike says:

    I love this! I am so excited for all of these……I would love to see a little black cat added! :) I love the cute idea this year….Halloween doesn’t have to be scary or spooky to be fun! :)

  2. beerfeet says:

    The costume shop is perfect. It really fits the Webkinz world feel. It looks a lot like the other buildings on our map. I do wish it didn’t have to go around the edge of the yard. It would be nice to make a 3d town our pets could walk around, similar to the cabins and cottages. Thank you for all the choices with being able to rotate the tree and I can’t wait to see how it all works together!

  3. Wizardsroost says:

    Dunno..the “Hollow”-ween on a bench of hollowed out pumpkins does kinda work.

  4. watermags says:

    I love these concept drawings! I’m very excited for when Halloween finally gets here :)

  5. abbytay123 says:

    Oh my goodness it looks so cute!! Im so excited!

  6. dancingfish7 says:

    I really love this! I wish the shop had a few more decorations, maybe a bat garland? I love the Jack o’lanterns!

  7. Ndume2004 says:

    This looks amazing! I can hardly wait to get this theme.

  8. socer10 says:

    Love them. So cute and festive.

  9. serena96 says:

    I really like everything the artists have come up with! I would love to have a few things added, like another fence that matches the one around the tree. I know the iron fence in the wshop is similar but it’s only able to be placed on the outside of the room. I’d also love to see some skeletons, little ghosts, small white pumpkins and most of all some black cats!! For example, a black cat plush, a black cat added to the front of the houses or store, or maybe a little decoration of a black cat sleeping in a cat bed! (:

    • Beckinz8 says:

      That’s a good point about our current fencing being mostly edge-of-room only. It would be nice if the designers could come up with in-room versions of the fencing that we love. They have done this with several other pieces in the past, like the in-room Apple Farm fence. It would really open up our room design possibilities. Hopefully the designers will consider this. :)

  10. forestsprite says:

    Ahhh! This is super cute and I especially looove the orange tree!!! Love the idea that one rotation is an undecorated tree so you can fit it into other rooms!

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