More Webkinz Room Designs!


Halloween is only two days away so, as a special treat, I thought it would be fun to share Halloween themed room designs today. There are a total of 28 terrifying designs in today’s post so, read on if you dare! And, as always, everyone featured today have the chance to become a finalist for our next Room Design Awards.



A special thanks to everyone who sent in a room design. If you haven’t already, what are you waiting for? You can email me screenshots of your favorite rooms to Don’t be shy… we’d love to hear from you!


If you missed my last Webkinz Room Design post you can CLICK HERE to see it now!


Happy Halloween!


39 Responses to More Webkinz Room Designs!

  1. Nate4555 says:

    I love all of these Halloween rooms! Thanks for including my Creature Feature! I am working on my dark forest room and now have inspiration for some more decorating. Thanks everyone for sharing their designs.

  2. rppower says:

    WOW – Those are some awesome room designs!!

  3. luna101217 says:

    LadyBeauty!! Your Haunted Castle room got featured!!! I’m so happy for you!! I know it must be a new room because I haven’t seen it before. You did a great job with it! ;) Congratulations again!! – Your friend, luna101217

    • LadyBeauty says:

      Luna, Thank-you! Now I understand why you sent me the letter of congratulations in Webkinz World! I need to send you a note with upcoming days I’ll need your help including this weekend. See you in Webkinz world! Your friend ♪♫LadyBeauty♪♫

  4. djh89 says:

    Thank you to Michael Webkinz for featuring another room of mine!!!!!!!!! You made my day. Congrats everybody on having your rooms shown as well.

  5. cardinal4562 says:

    How creative everyone is; I truly enjoyed reviewing these designs.

  6. BlueMoonCat says:

    The rooms are all amazing! Good job EVERYONE!!!

  7. gmatiny says:

    I have to admit these are some of the FINEST most DETAILED rooms I have seen yet !! Paying attention to making sure you can get around each room. Taking close attention to item size so things work together . Room beauty and theme . CLUTTERED but cluttered with items that just work so well that the room wouldn’t be the same without an item. WINNERS will be very hard to judge this year !!

  8. larzy says:

    O.M.G They are ALL wonderful! I never thought of making a little street to Trick or Treat on, and each is incredible. The spooky hollows, pumpkin patches are perfect, and incredibly creative. The party scenes, what fun; I want to attend. The feast for the pets, I think I’m going to ‘borrow’ that for Thanksgiving. Kudos to the bathroom, I haven’t seen many for as long as I’ve played Webkinz…very nicely organized. Hats off to whoever made their own castle out of the fireplaces!

    • momno1 says:

      Yes, fireplace castle — so smart!

    • djh89 says:

      Thank you larzy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I enjoyed making the castle I actually was inspired by someone else’s castle idea featured in a room design awards a while back, but used different items for the most part. I also used columns and those ivy brick walls plus the PSI from the Countryside Hedgehog to create my castle. Oh by the way the chairs and tables you could say are an outdoor haunted courtyard.

  9. Rocky5465 says:

    Thank you Michael for featuring my room! But actually you did not put the right username or room design name, it was supposed to be Creepy Halloween Neighborhood by Rocky5465, so that would be great if you can fix that! But thank you for featuring it before Halloween, I was really hoping it would be shown by now!:)

  10. BH1464 says:

    These are all really great! Congrats to all the players featured! Great job everyone! Very talented & creative!

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