Movie Showcase: My Webkinz Collection

Hello, Internet friends! I’m Ella McWoof and I’m back with another edition of Movie Showcase. So far we’ve seen one way to organize your pets and show them off, and now here’s another idea! With this cute video, YouTuber Pawz4Life shows us her extensive pet family. Do you have a special way of showing your pet family to others?



If you love making YouTube videos about anything to do with Webkinz, tell us in the comments and maybe your video will be featured one day!

78 Responses to Movie Showcase: My Webkinz Collection

  1. CountryKinz17 says:

    My peeps don’t know this but after I posted one of my latest videos showing my new pets I got some new ones a little while later, after I got back from my vacation I got the orange soda pup from cracker barrel, I became a full year deluxe membership so I got the harmony crane online only, and then I got the gold and white cat (full size).

  2. CountryKinz17 says:

    Nice collection there! I have like somewhere around 63 pets I think? Anyways super cool pets!

  3. MidnightFireflies15 says:

    woa there

  4. ArmyStrongAPOS says:

    I really don’t put my webkinz collection online anymore.

  5. prprprprp says:

    Wow! I have almost all of those pets!!! :D

  6. resolution22 says:

    Thats a nice video!

  7. resolution22 says:

    OMG! We have the same chocolate lab and it has the same name! Mine is named Fudge too! So cool! :D

  8. resolution22 says:

    I love the outfit on your chocolate lab!

  9. Exora says:

    um . . . ok . . . u sure have a lot of pets, Pawz4Life!

  10. animelover7644 says:

    that’s a lot of pets!

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