Movie Showcase: My Webkinz Collection

Hello, Internet friends! I’m Ella McWoof and I’m back with another edition of Movie Showcase. So far we’ve seen one way to organize your pets and show them off, and now here’s another idea! With this cute video, YouTuber Pawz4Life shows us her extensive pet family. Do you have a special way of showing your pet family to others?



If you love making YouTube videos about anything to do with Webkinz, tell us in the comments and maybe your video will be featured one day!

78 Responses to Movie Showcase: My Webkinz Collection

  1. austinlael says:

    I would rather show my rooms with my pets in them……..just my opinion though. Nice ideas guys! :)

  2. delta30 says:

    omg the pets are cute!

  3. I3reezy says:

    I have over 100 Webkinz pets but most of them are on an old account of mine.

  4. tuxeysnoopy2013 says:

    WOW!! Pawsome job!! I have Domino the Boston Terrier!!!!!

  5. Aleu15 says:

    I think my Kinztube collection video of the plush only should be shown on here, because I have like over 500+ pets… Probably more now since I’m always finding cheap webkinz.. I really am not a fan of the online pets, mostly the plush, anyone’s free to check my channel out it’s–> baltokinzgirl15

  6. etncpink says:

    Wow I like this I wish I had all those pets! :D

  7. puppydog9 says:

    I just checked my WW collection… I have 17 pages of pets!

  8. jkj1004 says:

    You can never be to old for Webkinz :D :P

  9. TaffyKitty12 says:

    Cool! Those are sure a lot of pets. But, to be honest, I think I have more than they have. Anyways, if I displayed my pets or showed them, I’d use my plush pets or maybe the virtual versions.

  10. RaspberryKinz says:

    Hi, I’m Raspberry Kinz, and I make videos on YouTube with my webkinz.

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